
Friday, 14 October 2016

Recent Reads - Books - What's Happening, Thursday Next?

Well, hey there everybody. Happy Friday! Today's post is about some of my favourite books, one of which I finished reading last weekend. This is a bit like a review but not, and you'll soon see why, but if you're looking for some ideas for what to read this weekend, then look no further.
Let me introduce you to Thursday Next, a smart and brave literary heroine, and the books you can find her in.
The Eyre Affair is the first in a series of books that follow Thursday Next and her adventures, and Lost In A Good Book (which I finished last week) is the second. At the time of writing there are seven books.
Thursday and co live in 1985, but not as we know it. It is a parallel 1985 in which the Crimean War is still going on, people have pet dodos, Wales is a Republic and the Goliath Corporation hold a scary amount of power and control. Thursday works for SpecOps (who are kind of like MI5) as a literary detective - other SpecOps divisions include the ChronoGuard (time-travelling police) and the Werewolves and Vampires Disposal unit.
The first story follows our heroine on the trail for a major player in the literary crime market, Acheron Hades, who has been kidnapping characters from fiction and holding them to ransom - including Jane Eyre. In order to stop him, Thursday must find a way into the books themselves.
And then, in the second story, Thursday finds herself jumping into fiction again in order to find the truth when the Goliath Corporation meddle with her personal life, and she finds that lost Shakespeare manuscripts, a few too many coincidences and impending Armageddon are all part of a bigger plan - but whose? With the addition of some wonderful 'new' characters - ever wanted to meet the Cheshire Cat? - as well as all our book one favourites, its an awesome adventure.
 The books are an amazing mix of science fiction, fantasy, comedy and references to a bucket load of books. The characters all have such clever, often pun filled, names like Paige Turner, Bowden Cable (like the things on bikes?), as well as a personal favourite, Landen Park-Laine, and of course Thursday Next. The plot is interesting and unique and full of surprises and sub-plots and the world Thursday lives in is so vividly described. I absolutely adore these books and can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Jasper Fforde gets two thumbs up and a round of applause from me.
I hope you enjoyed today's post - it was a lot of fun to write.
Have you read the Thursday Next books? Do you have any book recomendations for me? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
I hope your day is brilliant!
GingerSnaps xxx



  1. I love Thursday and won't spoil the next book (no pun intended)Love your summary and hadn't really thought about the names before x

  2. I love Thursday and won't spoil the next book (no pun intended)Love your summary and hadn't really thought about the names before x

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. I love Thursday, too, obviously and can't wait to read the next one!!! Hope you're having a good week! GingerSnaps xxx
