
Friday 16 February 2018

The Week So Far (In Numbers)

The week so far has comprised (but has not been limited to)

1: iced coffee, pub quiz, new packet of polo mints, new blog post, picture of a dog sent by a friend, outfit that accidentally matched my best friend's, moment when I laughed out loud while walking down the street alone, bowl of rice crispies, mug of green tea
2: heart shaped biscuits, selfies, hours spent playing Bye Bye Love on guitar, boxes of blueberries eaten, conversations about blue smarties, Weetabix eaten
3: different nail polish colours worn on alternate nails, nights when it's taken an age to go to sleep, bowls of muesli
4: missed calls
5: pancakes, songs from David Bowie's Young Americans
20: cry-laughing emojis sent
25: pints of water consumed
45: minutes of v chill and jazz music played in a bid to help me sleep
75: minutes spent waiting for buses (over several days) (approx.)
90: minutes of yoga (over several days)
648382942 million: plays of The Boy Is Mine by Brandy and Monica (approx.)
978737272 million: plays of Say My Name by Destiny's Child (approx.)

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