
Wednesday 24 September 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Reasons Why Lazy Days Are Awesome.


So, I'm back after pretty much a months hiatus. I cannot apologise enough for this, I really feel as though I have let all of you guys down but I haven't had it in me for a while due to some very poopy life events (which I'm not here to moan about). I'm back now anyway, with this post and I hope you enjoy.

So, quite some time ago now (I started writing this in August), I had a slightly fabulous lazy day. In my own, very humble, opinion, lazy days are one of the greatest things in life. I feel as though, every now and then, a lazy day is highly required and I see nothing wrong with giving in to pyjamas, gallons of tea, movies and back to back TV shows.

Said lazy day involved sleeping in - I was in desperate need of catching up on that sleep thing - washing my hair and showering with some lovely products and getting into my uniform for the day - my long sleeved Supergirl top and some pyjama shorts.
I made myself a little brew and settled down for a day filled with TV, movies and, as you probably guessed knowing me, lots more tea.

So, now you know the basics of my lazy day a while back, and you have (THIS) post where I discuss another lazy day, here are just a few of the reasons I love them.

Five Reasons Why Lazy Days Are Awesome.

  1. It gives you an opportunity to watch the films that you have bought on DVD or recorded on your Planner (if you are a Sky Customer like me - other TV doobrees available) that you have been meaning to watch for a long time. My choices often include Disney movies and Rom-Coms - particularly Richard Curtis ones. My choices on the lazy day in question included - The Jungle Book and Killers.
  2. It gives you a chance to do the silly little things you might not have had time for otherwise like painting your nails with that pretty little nail polish that you bought the other day, or trying the body butter in the drawer of your bedside table, or read that blog you discovered the other day. They are some of the things I often like to do. On the lazy day of destiny, I tried some new bath and body care that I had bought and caught up on reading all of my favourite blogs.
  3. As I said before, you have a chance to catch up on sleep, and I know that I certainly value that time as I tend to wear myself out till I am running on empty and need to recharge sometimes in a big way. On the lazy day this post concerns, I woke up fairly early, had a cup of tea and went back to bed for an hour or two which was perfect.
  4. Pyjamas! You guys all know that I love pyjamas and often buy myself new tops or bottoms or sets of them - I went shopping the other day and the only thing that I liked happened to be some Jungle Book pyjamas from Topshop (which aren't in stock on the website anymore, but HERE is Topshop anyway). As I mentioned, on the fabulous lazy day that I'm banging on about, I wore a Supergirl long sleeved top and pyjama shorts.
  5. The joy of just "being". It sounds incredibly cheesy, I know, but certain things really remind you how lucky you are. The way I believe lazy days do this by reminding you how lucky you are to be so busy that you need a lazy day, how lucky you are to be able to stop for a minute. Lazy days are a good opportunity to take stock of your life, and that is something we all need to do sometimes.

Did we enjoy? I know it was a short post, but its just nice to be back blogging! I promise that I will be posting as much as I used to from now on - I've got my head together again and so I feel happy to do so.
Do you enjoy lazy days? What do you get up to on yours? Do you agree with my reasons for them being awesome? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Just fancy a chat? Let me know in the comments.
See you (very) soon for more posts (promise)...

Have a totally wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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