
Friday 8 May 2015

"Let The Memory Live On" - The 70th Anniversary of VE Day


So, normally, my first post of the month is my Summary of the previous month, but I haven't quite finished that yet and I really wanted to write this post. I will address my serious lack of posts in the Summary, but for now, lets talk VE Day.

Disclaimer - As with all posts concerning these sensitive issues, I am not here to blame etc. - I am here to remember and I think we can all agree that this is very important. xxx

On the 8th of May 1945, 70 years ago, the news that everyone had been waiting for finally came - the war in Europe was over.
VE stands for Victory in Europe and crowds and crowds of people celebrated this news.
Everyone and their dogs were celebrating - often literally, with some dogs sporting colourful bows! People wore the colours of the Union Jack - red, white and blue - as the sounds of celebratory bells ringing drifted across the UK, boats on the Thames sounded their horns, some airplanes even performed victory rolls across the sky.
People decorated their homes and their streets and celebrations, big and small, took place which reflect the joy that was felt by those in the UK.
VE Day is a day that we should celebrate still, and commemorate.
 I truly believe that the way the world changed at the end of the war should be remembered, and the joy that people felt should always be cherished.

VE Day was a joyful day, but also bittersweet for many and throughout the commemorative celebrations taking place for the anniversary, I feel that a part of us all should remember that.
 We should remember the terrible losses people experienced, as well as all of the joy and celebration - the Royal British Legion state that 382,700 members of the British Armed Forces and 67,100 civilians were killed during the war, and of course other countries experienced awful losses too.
There are loads of things going on over this weekend in London (as well as up and down the UK) to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day - some of which have already happened, like the service at the Cenotaph and the lighting of the beacons - and some are still yet to come, like the "A Party To Remember" concert (which will be broadcast on BBC One tomorrow if you can't be there in person, like me) and the ringing of church bells as well as the Service of Thanksgiving at Westminster on Sunday.
Even if you won't be going to any of these events, or won't be watching on telly, I do hope you spend time remembering the importance of this celebration in your own little way.
You could even have a little mini at home celebration if you wanted to.
I think I'll sport victory rolls in my hair and red, white and blue this weekend.
And there is of course the "Kiss for VE Day" hashtag to get involved with too.
Whatever you do, give it some thought over the next few days and reflect.
So, let's never forget the people that lost their lives during the Second World War, civilian or service personnel, no matter where they were from. Let's respect them all.
And let's also never forget the joy that was felt in the hearts of the people when the war finally ended. Let's always aim for peace.
And remember, we must never forget.
For more information about everything discussed, from VE Day itself, to info on the events taking place, to viewing stories and photographs from people who were there, head on over the ever wonderful Royal British Legion's VE Day 70 website, linked (HERE). You can also find a link to a donation page, should you wish to give the Royal British Legion a donation, at the bottom of the website linked.
Also, I would highly recommend checking out (THIS) whimsical and informative video from the Royal British Legion about VE Day, its well worth a watch - and while you're there, give it a big thumbs up ("like it"), because its very deserving of it.

That will be all for today then, guys. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and that I will see you back here soon to read up on what I got up to in April - it was pretty cool!
Will you be going to any VE Day celebrations? Or watching them on telly? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you lovely people soon!
Have a splendid day!
GingerSnaps xxx 

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