
Wednesday 5 August 2015

Celebrate Good Times! - Happy Birthday To You... - Happy Birthday Elf Girl!


Hello everybody! How are we all on this wonderful day? It's the lovely Elf Girl's birthday this week - I might have mentioned her about a thousand times or so - and so I thought I'd put together a little post about it.

Happy Birthday Elf Girl!!!
Thank you for being a fantastic friend.

Elf Girl is the best friend ever in the world and is a sister to me. 
She is the most hilarious, sassy, fun, awesome, supportive, thoughtful and kind friend who is always there for air guitar playing, singing along to musicals, long chats and everything else in between - I haven't a clue what I'd do without her.

Happy Birthday Elf Girl, loves ya xxx

Read Elf Girl's blog (HERE).

That is all for today then everyone. I hope you've had a lovely day today and I will see you all when I'm back from Brighton (which is where I'm spending a long weekend).
What is your favourite thing about birthdays? What are you guys up to this weekend? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for joining me today.
Have a totally fab day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. omg thank you so much im sorry i did not comment earlier but i only just found this thank you :)

    1. That's quite alright, you're very welcome. I hope you had the best birthday ever. GingerSnaps xxx
