
Sunday 30 April 2017

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do - Music - New Music, April 2017 Edition.


What's up, guys? Wasn't that the most blogger-y start to a post? Anyway, today I have a post all about new music. One of my favourite things in life is finding new songs, new artists or hearing new releases from artists who I've listened to for a long time. There is a full range of those options here for you today, and something for everyone from fun euro-pop to indie guitar tracks to spaced out pshydedellic beats. I hope you enjoy.

I have been a huge fan of Declan McKenna for quite a while now. 'Brazil' is a new release from his upcoming debut album, 'What Do You Think About The Car?', although I think it was used on an EP a while back, and I think it's fantastic. It is both upbeat and relaxed, it is effortlessly cool, and like all of his songs, 'Brazil' is current and socially aware. His music is guitar based, which we all know I love, and I would highly recommend listening to his tracks.

This is solid gold Euro-pop and I am so excited about this track. Fox Wilde are such a charismatic duo and this song (and the music video) show this off brilliantly. The lyrics are cheeky and youthful, the music is layered and interesting, and it has a lot of potential for dancing to. It's a super fun song, and I'm now a little obsessed with Fox Wilde, I'm not going to lie.

If summer-y vintage style songs are up your street then you have to listen to this song. Rex Orange County is a mulit-instrumentalist and makes full use of his range of skills on 'Sunflower', the saxophone in the chorus is awesome. I think this track has influences from the 60s, 70s and from the jazz genre as a whole, and the end product is a cool, sun soaked end product. The only thing I'm not hugely keen on is the spoken word bridge - I don't really like talking in songs - but overall, its a fab song.

'Halfway' is a spaced out, electronic trance piece that is beautifully produced. The lyrics are phrased nicely - I know that sounds odd but it holds your attention - and the vocals are soft, with an ethereal quailty. It's graceful and soft and needs to be added to your playlists right away. It's a brief moment of escapism, but doesn't ever fade into the basic or dull. I love it.

This experimental alternative rock song is so interesting because of its composition. It's mostly instrumental, and a broad range of instruments and sounds are used throughout which holds your attention. It's trippy and it's bold and I think that Bakery are really onto something with this. The production and mix on this track creates a layered affect which adds to the impact of it all around.

I love The Kooks, I have done since I was younger. I love their brand of sunny, smart indie pop and this new track hasn't let me down. Its cheerful, feel-good and the bridge is amazing - the track switches effortlessly between the band's staple guitar pop to a more relaxed, 70s style bridge and I am in love with it. Luke's unique voice really lifts this track.  Listen on a Monday morning to make you feel like a star ready to conquer the world.

Clear charismatic Northern English vocals, and smart self aware lyrics are what I've come to expect from The Courteeners. 'Modern Love' has all the components of a good indie song, with dance worthy, crowd rousing music and lyrics that just beg you to sing along and remember them. New music from bands I love always makes me happy, and The Courteeners haven't let me down (although actual 'Modern Love' apparently will).

'Hello Hello' by Fickle Friends.

Not only does this have the most awesome music video which reflects artistically the struggles and pressures young people face from society and their peers, the song itself is great. It's memorable and fresh and something that I think will appear to fans of all styles of music. It's got pop elements without being sacarine, and it's upbeat and the vocals are strong. If you're a fan of bands like The 1975 and Haim, then I'd definitely recommend you listen to these guys.

'Passionfruit' by Drake.

I am quite the Drake fan, which I don't think I've mentioned on the blog before. I just love the blend of honest lyrics, effortless beats and repetivite, catchy choruses. 'Passionfruit' has quickly become one of my favourite Drake songs, as I think it really showcases his contemporary R&B and hip-hop style. I think it's a must-have for all your summer playlists.

'Felt' by Clean Cut Kid.

Clean Cut Kid's debut album 'Felt' is released on Friday so I couldn't really pass up on including the title track. Clean Cut Kid are an awesome indie band who do everything from certifiable bops (see 'Leaving You Behind') to stuff that's perfect for long summer drives and gigs, like 'Felt'. 'Felt' is high energy and instantly loveable. The harmonies on this track are ace, and it's a really uplifting number, in my opinion. Oh, and did I mention they've been on tour with The Kooks recently?

'Vampires' by Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes.

I absolutely love Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes and their most recent release, 'Vampires' just confirms this. If you like loud, bold punk rock music, you'll get along with this one well. The lyrics are awesome, and Frank Carter has a great voice for rock - a classic gravel-y vocal. It has an original sound, while keeping the guitars and drums that drive rock, its contemporary and it is arresting.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed the post and that you enjoy listening to all of this new music.
Do you know of any new music that I should be listening to? I'd love to hear your recommendation from any artist or style. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment below and tell me.
Speak soon, everyone.

Have a great day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 21 April 2017

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - I Capture The Castle.


Welcome back! Today I have a theatre review for you - it feels like centuries since I last wrote one and I know you guys like them so I'm happy to be writing one now. Today I'm reviewing a new musical called 'I Capture the Castle', which is currently on at the Palace Theatre in Watford. I went to see it with some members of my family and I just wanted to thank them for a lovely time before I begin the review.

'I Capture the Castle' is set in bohemian 1930s England, where Cassandra, played by the amazing Lowri Izzard, lives with her family. They are in financial difficulty because her father (Ben Watson) cannot write a novel to follow up his last. The arrival of their new landlord, a wealthy American named, Simon (played by Theo Boyce, another stand out actor in this production) along with his brother, shakes up their dynamics. They seem like the answer to the family's wishes, but is it all too good to be true?

I enjoyed 'I Capture the Castle'. It's a promising new musical. The cast are fantastic, and they work well together. Their harmonies are wonderful and clearly well rehearsed, and the voices of Izzard, Shona White (as Leda), and Julia St John (as Mrs Cotton), are particularly strong. The harmonies between Izzard, Boyce,  Luke Dale (as Neil), and Kate Batter (as Rose) are testement to the work and vocal talent that has been put into this production. The songs are good musically and lyrically - although I think one or two have some (very brief and minor) echoes of other musicals - and the songs create a cohesive collection.

I found the plot entertaining and engaging. The musical is based on a novel of the same name by Dodie Smith, which alas I haven't read, however I should imagine the show is faithful to it as the plot is full of various elements. In some ways I think refining which elements make it onto the stage could benefit the show - at times the plot feels a bit busy. However, I did enjoy it all the same and it explores a full range of emotions with relative ease.  The key theme of the play is love in it's many forms, with married love, unrequited love, first love and new love explored throughout the show's course.

It's a show filled with interesting characters and Cassandra is a loveable one who guides the narrative with asides to the audience. Each character is an individual, from Cassandra's eccentric stepmother Topaz, played brilliantly by Suzanne Ahmet, to her admirer Steven (Isaac Stanmore). I'd say this musical is character-led, and I loved that.

The costumes are true to the period setting and add to the characterisation. The set is really unique, mainly constructed from tables and chairs, and is the constant feature of the show. The staging allows for creative use of the set and the levels created by it, and I found that it added greatly to the Romantic and rustic charm of the play. The best elements of the direction and movememt are, I think, shown in a scene involving travelling into London - without changing the set, the characters are clearly on the tube, on the street and so on. 

I'd recommend going to see 'I Capture the Castle' if you get the chance - it's on at the Palace Theatre in Watford until the 22nd of April. It's an entertaining show and one that I think has a lot of potential.

I'm going to give it four stars, because I do think it would benefit from some adjustments even though it is a very enjoyable show featuring a truly talented cast.

Find out more and buy tickets here.

I hope you enjoyed this review and that you get chance to see this at the theatre.
Have you seen 'I Capture the Castle'? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading. Speak soon.

Have a brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 16 April 2017

Have A 'Hoppy' Time! - An Easter Message (and Photographs of Spring)


Good morning and Happy Easter! To celebrate, I've put together my Easter message to you all, as is tradition, and this year it is filled with photographs I have taken that showcase the season.

When I think of Easter, I think of hope, joy, growth and celebrating life. It's a beautiful holiday, and one I really enjoy celebrating, not only because of its meaning but also because of its ability to bring people together. I wanted to fill this post with natural and floral photography because I think it represents Easter brilliantly - things like daffodils and buds remind us of the beauty in every day and are signs of growth and new life after winter. I also wanted to showcase Spring, because it is a season that matches these sentiments.


A lot of these photographs were taken at a garden centre that is local to me. I've taken a few trips to it with my mother over the past few weeks and it has been a lovely opportunity to chat, buy new plants, drink tea at the cafe and of course, capture spring flowers with my camera (I'm lucky my mother is so patient when I stop to take photos). It's been so interesting watching the plants develop from visit to visit, and to see what flowers earlier in the season and what flowers later. It is a true joy.

I've also been snapping pictures of the blossom on my way home on weekdays - Elf Girl has also been very patient when I stop to take yet another picture. There are also blossom tress in these photos from days out. This time of year is a fantastic time to get outside and enjoy your surroundings, and I've been taking every opportunity to savour and appreciate all the season has to offer.

On a trip to London to celebrate the birthday one of a loved one in March, I came across a fabulous Magnolia tree in full bloom. I love Magnolia trees and putting this post together has made me notice how they bridge the gap between flowers like crocuses and blossom on, for instance, cherry trees. Nature really knows how to put on a coordinated display.


There is so much beauty to be found in all the seasons, and they are all special for different reasons. Autumn has its glorious leaves and conkers, Summer has its fresh green leaves and borders of flowers, Winter has its sparkling frosts and icicles and bare branches against soft grey skies. Spring has its own beautiful defining features - blossom, pastel colours, new buds, daffodils swaying in gentle breezes. It fills me with weeks and weeks of happiness and inspiration, and in many ways, the Easter celebrations the season builds up to, does too. There is beauty and hope in every day, big and small, just waiting for us to find it. Grabbing the opportunities to find it is something I think we should all do to carry the best parts of the season, and Easter, with us throughout our days, and brighten our lives.

I hope that whatever today means and involves for you, that you enjoy it and embrace it.
 I hope you are fortunate enough to spend it with people you love, and if you are not then I hope that you find joy in other ways today.
Take this opportunity to celebrate life and development, as well as the people you hold dear, the season of spring and chocolate eggs.
 Happy Easter to you and those you love.
 I'm sending good vibes, best wishes and lots of love to you all today xxx.
Thank you for reading. I hope you've enjoyed looking at these photos, I am really pleased with how they turned out.
What are your favourite things about Spring? What do you do to celebrate Easter? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
I hope you all enjoy your Easter Sunday and make the most of the Bank Holiday tomorrow.
Happy Easter!
GingerSnaps xxx