
Sunday 16 April 2017

Have A 'Hoppy' Time! - An Easter Message (and Photographs of Spring)


Good morning and Happy Easter! To celebrate, I've put together my Easter message to you all, as is tradition, and this year it is filled with photographs I have taken that showcase the season.

When I think of Easter, I think of hope, joy, growth and celebrating life. It's a beautiful holiday, and one I really enjoy celebrating, not only because of its meaning but also because of its ability to bring people together. I wanted to fill this post with natural and floral photography because I think it represents Easter brilliantly - things like daffodils and buds remind us of the beauty in every day and are signs of growth and new life after winter. I also wanted to showcase Spring, because it is a season that matches these sentiments.


A lot of these photographs were taken at a garden centre that is local to me. I've taken a few trips to it with my mother over the past few weeks and it has been a lovely opportunity to chat, buy new plants, drink tea at the cafe and of course, capture spring flowers with my camera (I'm lucky my mother is so patient when I stop to take photos). It's been so interesting watching the plants develop from visit to visit, and to see what flowers earlier in the season and what flowers later. It is a true joy.

I've also been snapping pictures of the blossom on my way home on weekdays - Elf Girl has also been very patient when I stop to take yet another picture. There are also blossom tress in these photos from days out. This time of year is a fantastic time to get outside and enjoy your surroundings, and I've been taking every opportunity to savour and appreciate all the season has to offer.

On a trip to London to celebrate the birthday one of a loved one in March, I came across a fabulous Magnolia tree in full bloom. I love Magnolia trees and putting this post together has made me notice how they bridge the gap between flowers like crocuses and blossom on, for instance, cherry trees. Nature really knows how to put on a coordinated display.


There is so much beauty to be found in all the seasons, and they are all special for different reasons. Autumn has its glorious leaves and conkers, Summer has its fresh green leaves and borders of flowers, Winter has its sparkling frosts and icicles and bare branches against soft grey skies. Spring has its own beautiful defining features - blossom, pastel colours, new buds, daffodils swaying in gentle breezes. It fills me with weeks and weeks of happiness and inspiration, and in many ways, the Easter celebrations the season builds up to, does too. There is beauty and hope in every day, big and small, just waiting for us to find it. Grabbing the opportunities to find it is something I think we should all do to carry the best parts of the season, and Easter, with us throughout our days, and brighten our lives.

I hope that whatever today means and involves for you, that you enjoy it and embrace it.
 I hope you are fortunate enough to spend it with people you love, and if you are not then I hope that you find joy in other ways today.
Take this opportunity to celebrate life and development, as well as the people you hold dear, the season of spring and chocolate eggs.
 Happy Easter to you and those you love.
 I'm sending good vibes, best wishes and lots of love to you all today xxx.
Thank you for reading. I hope you've enjoyed looking at these photos, I am really pleased with how they turned out.
What are your favourite things about Spring? What do you do to celebrate Easter? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
I hope you all enjoy your Easter Sunday and make the most of the Bank Holiday tomorrow.
Happy Easter!
GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Wonderful photographs and sentiments.
    Thanks for taking the time to take the photos and for sharing them. A

    1. Thank you for reading and for your kind, positive feedback. I'm really glad you enjoyed the post, and looking at the photographs. GingerSnaps xxx

  2. I love the photos and agree it is lovely this time of year to stop for a moment where ever you are and take in your surroundings x

    1. I'm glad you like them - I am pleased with how they turned out. And I'm glad you agree with the sentiments too, hopefully everyone will take advantage of the season. GingerSnaps xxx

  3. I didn't read this for soooooooooo long because i'm a horrible friend but nice flowers, much appreciate, quick question tho? are those daffodils Dodie yellow?

    1. Ah, no worries - I'd say a busy friend rather than a horrible one, haha. I'm so glad someone asked, I think they are Dodie yellow tho, haha. GingerSnaps xxx
