
Wednesday 3 July 2013

Congratulations! - Blogging Milestones - Happy One Month Anniversary Blog!


So, today, July 3rd 2013, this little blog turned one month old. I know, not you typical anniversary age, that's usually a year, or two years or so on. But I wanted to just say a few things...

Firstly, I know I didn't upload as much as you'd expect last month. I'm sorry for this but I do put so much effort into all my posts. I set a load of time back to write my posts, I proof read them around three times. I always try my hardest to make them interesting for you and hopefully they are a good read.

Secondly, thank you for reading my blog, and thank you for sticking with it (and me!) even though my archives have been a bit quiet. I love how when I log on, I see all the views I've had since I started from all over the world and it really does make me smile. To know that my blog has been viewed 342 times by people from all over the world amazes me. I feel privileged to have an audience like I do. Thanks guys.

Thirdly, and lastly (cos it's the 3rd of June), I hope that I can help my blog to continue to grow into something great and would love it if you'll stick around to see it. I have loads of ideas for my blog, loads of things I'd love to do and plenty of posts coming up - so watch this space.

Thank you for your support for the first month of my blog everyone - it means a lot.

I've got lots up my sleeve for the future and can't wait to get on with it. Please drop me a comment if you've enjoyed this post, let me know if you're a regular reader, and if you have any ideas for upcoming posts let me know.

Have a lovely day or night, you brilliant person.

GingerSnaps xxx

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