
Monday 28 October 2013

Oh My Life! - Tales of My Life and Times - Intense Retail Therapy, Cute Animated Films and Special K.


I thought I'd fill you in on what I've been up to since we last spoke. My Mom and I are staying at my Auntie's house at the moment and it's filled to the brim- good job it's a big house, eh?

While we've been here, I've done some serious shopping at Lush - I flipping love Lush, OK, and I'm trying to get Loz (blog HERE) addicted too - as well as buying some bits and bobs at Marks and Spencer's, TKMaxx. I also tried a really nice new "punch" type thing from Costa. You'll know it when you see it, so try it, it's good stuff. I also went a bit spending mad at Primark, and was so pleased with everything I bought - they have some really nice stuff in at the moment. Plus, I watched Wreck It Ralph with all the kids in my family and we all loved it. Would highly recommend it to everyone - great film.

I began my day with Special K cereal which I hadn't had in a while and so I'd forgotten how nice it was. I saw an advert this morning for Special K porridge, unless that was a dream, and so I might just try that so long as I didn't make it up. My youngest cousins are staying at the moment too, along with their Dad and so we went along with them to the cinema to go and see Despicable Me 2, which for some reason, said cinema are still showing in the mornings. It was really great and I enjoyed it muchly (even if we did arrive 15 minutes late because of the awful traffic)! Then it was over to the shopping centre for some food at the "Golden Arches". Whilst we were there I popped into John Lewis to begin my Christmas shopping - I know its really early but every single weekend from November to December is pretty much booked up with exciting shiz, so I had to start somewhere. I picked up some decorations, some wrapping paper and tags and a gift for someone...
I've just done bath time and bed time with the little ones and I'm pooped.

I hope you enjoyed that insight into my life lately. Let me know in the comments what you've been getting up to and I'll be sure to get back to you.

I hope that you're day is very, very cool.
GingerSnaps xxx

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