
Wednesday 24 December 2014

It Was Christmas Eve, Babe... - Christmas Eve 2014!


Today, it's Christmas Eve but hopefully you knew that already! I always enjoy Christmas Eve as a day on the whole and wanted to share some of my thoughts with you.

Christmas Eve, in my family, is a day spent relaxing. 

I'll be baking some muffins for my family to eat on Christmas morning and I might bake a few more things - we'll have to see! 
I'm spending my day festively attired in a big ol' Christmas jumper and will be laying the table, making a start on lots of the food with my Mom and my Uncle B (we are the Christmas dinner DREAM TEAM! Repeat DREAM TEAM!). 

I will be also be taking some time out for myself. I will be enjoying some pampering but I have no idea which products to use yet - there are so many to chose from! Although, I do know that no matter what products I chose, it'll be lovely to have a pamper evening - I've not had one in a while. I'll be trying some festive nail art, too, so cross your fingers that it looks how I want it to! 

Then there's the traditional Christmas Eve film, as I am sure you are aware of by now. We normally only watch two or three films but this year I have upped the anti and the Sky Planner (other TV thingys are available) is full of all our favourite Christmas films like Nativity!, Love Actually and Miracle on 34th Street (90s with Mara Wilson) as well as the Snowman (with or without Snowdog) which will be on TV. It'll be an awesome back to back movie night with a little stop round at my bestest friend Elf Girl's house, too. It's all going to be lots of fun. 

I'm so excited for tomorrow, and I hope you are too. There is nothing better than Christmas!!! There's a special magic in the air this year, I think and it is making me so happy. I love Christmas and can't wait for the big day!

I love my Christmas Eve activities, and I find it such a relaxing day. I hope you all have lovely days and evenings whatever you get up to.
Do you have anything planned for today? Do you have a special Christmas Eve film ready to watch? What is it? Are you as excited for tomorrow as me?!? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
I will speak to you all tomorrow! In the meantime, have a lovely day and I hope that Father Christmas pays a visit to you all tonight! x

Have an excellent day, everybody! 

GingerSnaps xxx

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