
Wednesday 31 December 2014

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year! - 2015


How are all of you gorgeous people doing on this New Years Eve? Good, I hope. I do like New Years Eve and I wanted to have a bit of a chat with you about it because, hey, why not?

Very, very soon, 2014 will be done and dusted.
All twelve months are nearly filled, all 365 days are nearly done but, not to worry because a whole new set of twelve months and 365 days lie ahead of us in the form of 2015.
 I find the idea of a whole new, untouched year to be a bit exciting. It is something truly special to look directly ahead and see time just waiting for you to fill it and spend it.
I was saying on Christmas Day at the dinner table that I feel as though 2014 has been a "really cracking year".
I won't say there haven't been some moments that made me cry, feel angry or feel a bit drained but that can't be helped and you need to dust yourself off and crack on.
I hope that 2014 wasn't full of many moments like this for you all and that, rather, it was good.
But, onto the good stuff because if you're always looking down, you're never looking up and there have been sooooooo many ups this year.
The ups of 2014 have truly stood out far beyond anything else.
Its been ace.
2014 has provided me with some incredibly amazing times. I have done so many amazing things.

For starters, I have travelled to some pretty cool places.
I went to Normandy, as you might remember, in October with some of the most awesome people and I had such an amazing, unforgettable time.
I also conquered my fear of flying and took a trip back to my favourite place/"home" (read: Northern Ireland) and had such a brilliant time as I hadn't been there in years. I saw family friends while there, revisited my favourite places and recreated lots of childhood memories.
I spent lots of time with my family who live near London which was lovely and also meant that we went into London a lot this year, too.

Then of course there are all of the wonderful days out, weekends spent, all of the time I have spent in the company of family and the company of friends. 
There are all of the lazy days and nights as well as all of the time spent singing loudly, dancing.
 The time spent in PJs, the time spent in dresses and the times in jeans.
The times eating lovely food and the time talking to the amazing people I know. The time spent listening to them.
 The time spent working, the time spent learning.
The time spent moving home, the time spent in the car.
The time spent celebrating things, spent wallpapering/falling off ladders. The time in the theatre, at gigs, at stand up shows.
The time pampering, blogging, watching countless episodes of TV shows (shout out to Modern Family, Big Bang Theory and HIMYM) and movies.
The time in National Trust properties and strolling round gardens. The time cooking, baking, at exhibitions.
 The time exercising or taking selfies or jumping round the garden like a five year old.
The time with family, the time having photos taken and taking photos.
 The time spent meeting new people, helping with important events (like doing a family friends Prom makeup/countless trials for it).
The time wearing crazily bright/colourful lipsticks, the time in Nandos.
The times doing lots of festive things.
The time drinking cups of tea at Elf Girl's house after failing at bike rides or shopping or just any other day.
The time doing daft things that make me smile like colouring competitions between myself and friends, sitting on the edge of a half filled/cold hot tub and singing Green Day with Elf Girl, discussing hedgehogs with Lauren in a car park.
The time lolling around on the sofas with family just talking.
 The times that brought me closer to the people I love.

I sincerely hope that 2014 was good to all of you lovely lot and that 2014 is a brilliant year for you. I hope you find all of the things you need and are searching for. I hope you have lots of fun and experience lots of wonderful things. I hope that you find happiness this year.
Thanks for your support for this blog throughout this year. Your support as readers, followers and commenters really does mean so, so much. I hope that you stick around for 2015 and watch the archives on the right fill up. I hope you enjoy the new content and enjoy this slice of internet.
Happy New Year to you and all of your families and friends.
Here's to you, 2014, thanks for being good.
And, here's to you 2015, I hope you're a good'un. xxx
Thank you for reading, I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I will see you all again in the new year!
What are your New Years Eve Plans? What was 2014 like for you? Do you have any stories from 2014 you'd like to share? Any comments or suggestions for posts in the New Year? Let me know in the comments.
Happy New Year, lovely people!
Have a great, very happy day and New Year!
GingerSnaps xxx 

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