
Monday 1 December 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - November Summary.


Welcome to my November Summary, lovely people. I'm so excited December is here because CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! Let us proceed with this lovely little summary, I hope you enjoy!

Doing Some Festive Things...
During November, I've been to see White Christmas at the Dominion Theatre in London, I've been shopping for bits and bobs and have been drinking many a festive Costa.
It has been so great to be able to kick start my Christmas with such a variety of lovely things - even if the journey from White Christmas resulted in not getting out of the car until 3:00 am and having to stop for a brew a few times on the way - and its been great to share these experiences with a number of different people.
I've had my Christmas tunes on and I've been bopping away as well.
I cannot wait to do even more in December and for it to get closer and closer to Christmas.

To see a post about my excitement for Christmas, take a look over (HERE).

Celebrating People's Birthdays...

It was my Mom's Birthday this month and we all went out for a carvery as a family to celebrate with her and we all went out for my Nan's birthday too..
I hope that everyone had a lovely time and that my Mom had a great day!

To see a post about my Mom's birthday, mosey over (HERE).

Supporting Charities...

The CiN telethon was this month and it was lovely to be able to see via the totalisers how much everyone was willing to help others.
It was heart warming and also a great night and I think this year was one of the bestest ones yet.

To see a post about CiN, go over (HERE)

Bonfire Night...

Fireworks are my favourites and I had a brilliant time at our favourite display.
The fireworks were beautiful, the bonfire was a bit epic and I really enjoyed my night.
I hope you enjoyed yourselves and stayed safe.

To see a post about Bonfire Night, click (HERE).

Remembering Those Who Serve(d)...

I think, as you all know, that Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day are incredibly important things.
This year, as it was the Centenary Anniversary of the beginning of WW1, the celebrations were beautiful and very tasteful.
It was brilliant to see everyone so involved in remembering those brave people who have served, who served and who died serving their countries in the Armed Forces.

To see a posts about Remembrance, see (HERE) and (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts From November.

This month, since we've been moving house - we're officially in today!!! YAY!!! FINALLY!!! - I haven't had any WiFi/internet access except at Auntie S's - she's been kind enough to let me blog from her house, thank you - and so I haven't read any blog posts. Therefore, I'll link some of the blogs I like so you can check things out for yourself.

A Rosie Outlook: HERE
Charlotte's Web: HERE
What Olivia Did: HERE
Little Winter: HERE

I will sub this category however with...

Some of My Favourite Songs of November.

The Man by George Ezra, (HERE).

Great song, catchy, great lyrics, great music, great voice, so listen!!!

Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran, (HERE)

I love this song, brilliant music, lyrics and voice - an instant classic. Love, love, love.

To see more of my fave songs from November, click (HERE).

So, I hope you enjoyed this post everyone. I'm excited for December and Christmas and all sorts and would like to thank November for being great.
What were your favourite parts of November? What did you think of what I got up to? Did you enjoy the posts I recommended? Any thoughts about this or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments. 
See you guys soon....

Have a totes amaze day!

GingerSnaps xxx


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