
Tuesday 13 January 2015

So, To Sum It All Up - December Summary.


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Another month, another year (!) and therefore another Summary. Make yourself a brew and make yourself comfortable and (hopefully) enjoy...

I love Christmas, as you all know, and if you don't then where have you been?
 It really is the best time of the year.

I did lots of Christmassy things in December to build up the anticipation for the big day and spend time with my lovely family and friends.

The "three days of Christmas" as it were or Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day as normal people refer to it, were absolutely brilliant. I had an amazing time and I hope all of my family and friends did too. I hope you had an awesome Christmas as well and that you enjoyed some time out.
Also, massive thanks to my family for my lovely gifts and cards - I really am so fortunate - I hope you liked yours.

To see a post about my excitement for Christmas, click (ME).

To see a post about Christmas Eve, click (THIS) and for a post about Christmas Day click (THIS)

To see a Festive Summary that I put together (that basically summarises most of December for me), click (HERE).

Moving House...

Yes, applause please, because we finally moved house in December. We didn't move on the 1st like I had originally said on this here blog but we did move on the 5th. For real.

Moving house was an experience which took up more or less the whole of 2014 for me in some way or another and it seemed fitting in a way that we moved in December - like the end of the year, end of the moving house thing... That made sense in my head... Probably not in an actual sentence... Move on.

I didn't blog much about the move very much when we actually did move, but I may do a big guide type thing in the next few weeks - eyes peeled and all that jazz.

However, you may be interested in (THIS) post and/or (THIS) post from earlier last year concerning the move...

Supporting Charities...

Text Santa was on ITV in December.

Sadly, I was unable to do a post about it but I hope that some of you provided support if you could and you enjoyed the evening of lovely programming that they provided to urge you to help them out.

It was a brilliant one this year and it is such a great cause.

Spending time with Family and Friends.

I did lots with family in friends last month including lunches, celebrations, get togethers, going to Pantomime, giving and receiving gifts and all round having such a lovely time.

I love how December brings even more fun times with family and friends (I am very lucky to have them) and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as me!

My Favourite Blog Posts From November.

Most of the reason this post has been delayed is that I was struggling to choose my favourite posts because everyone's posts were so fabulous in December.

I need to get this post out, I am starting to feel that I will be letting you down so I just think it will be easier to link all of my favourite blogs' December archive...

A Rosie Outlook (HERE)

Charlotte's Web (HERE)

What Olivia Did (HERE)

Little Winter (HERE)

Made Up Of Little Things (HERE)

I will add in the category below as I did in November to make up for a lack of detail...

Two of My Favourite Songs of December.

Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, (LISTEN HERE)

This song is so, so good, catchy and such a great sound. I think it is a brilliant combination of inspiration from some years ago (music wise) and the modern day (lyrically). Love.

Fairytale of New York by The Pouges and Kirsty McColl, (LISTEN HERE)

I know this is a bit unseasonal for January but since December is the month of Christmas, how could a Christmas song not take a top spot here? So, whether you listen or not, I would like to say that I love this song - it is my favourite Christmas song and it is just awesome...

So, I hope you enjoyed this post everyone. January is a brilliant month and while my blogging start is delayed, I hope you are all having a Happy New Year so far! 
What were your favourite parts of December? What did you think of what I got up to? Did you enjoy the posts I recommended? What about the songs? Any thoughts about this or suggestions for future posts? Why not let me know in the comments. 
Speak to you all soon lovely people.

Have an unbelievably fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx


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