
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Never Forgotten - 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz


A sombre post today, but, as we know, I strongly believe in remembering things and learning from the past. I was unsure whether posting today was the right decision or not, but I have decided that it could be. I want you to know that this post is written with delicacy and with good intentions and so I figure that it can't be a bad decision to discuss this.

As with all posts concerning these sensitive issues, I am not here to blame etc. - I am here to remember and I think we can all agree that this is very important. xxx

Today is the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz and it is being commemorated globally.
 I feel that it is important for me to make my contribution to the commemorations, too.
Auschwitz, as I am sure you all know, was a concentration camp that was used throughout the Second World War.
 Many lives were lost and destroyed there and people were very badly mistreated, no matter their age, their names, and so on.
 Their race, religion, disabilities (or other similar things) tended to be all that was considered.
What happened there was unfair, wrong and heart-breaking to think about, to say the least.

I want to remember the many lives that were lost within not just Auschwitz but other concentration camps, too.
We should remember, reflect and we should learn from the mistakes that people made in the past. Everyone is equal, everyone matters just as much as each other and it is important to never forget what happened to all of those people.

I hope that today you will spend some time reflecting on what happened and that we all remember that every life matters, every person is deserving of happiness and that neither our choices, our heritage nor anything else should never and will never be able to take away the importance we all have as people or the equality we deserve.
In memory of everyone of those affected and involved and to all the survivors of the camp, we will never forget you and your bravery during what must have been a truly horrendous time.
Remember that everyone is valuable, everyone is equal, nothing can change that and nobody can take that away from you.
Differences, in any of their forms, are not bad things, they make us who we are. 


Let's learn, respect and never, ever forget.

Thanks for reading, see you all soon for another post!
Any thoughts to share on this post? Any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you all soon...

Have a wonderful day,

GingerSnaps xxx

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