
Thursday 5 February 2015

So, To Sum It All Up - January Summary.


How are we all, you lovely little people? I hope that we are all doing good. So, today, I shall be doing a January Summary. January seemed to go by in about a week - I do not know how this happened but we are in February already! What?!? Anywho, the Summary...

So what happened in January?

Starting the New Year...

I love when a New Year rolls around and you have all this time and space in front of you that hasn't been used yet and the start of this New Year was no exception.

We already have a few plans waiting within the next few months (like a holiday - so excited!) which is nice because there are already some things to look forward to.

I decided not to make new F5 Refreshes this year because I thought continuing on with the ones I made last year would be better.

I did a post about my F5 accomplishments from last year and my thoughts about this year and you can see it (HERE)

Going on Days Out...

I have been on all sorts of winters walks in this past month and they have been lovely. Wrapping up in long sleeved tops, my fabulous cable stitch crew neck (hand knitted by someone I know) and jeans or Super Cosy Tights from Primark and shorts or a skirt and walking around the local parks or lakes is so lovely.
It's nice to go out and do something simple and enjoyable like this, and it reminds me of the beauty of the places around me. Stopping for curly fries before heading home is great, too!

Going on a Night Out to Strictly Come Dancing...

My wonderful Auntie S got some tickets to go to the Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour earlier this month for Christmas. She invited me to go along with her and so all dolled up in the dress I got for Christmas and off we went.
The show was really good, Simon Webbe won the night we were there (rightly so, he's awesome) and I had such a brilliant night!
Highlights included: Dancing to Shake It Off, eating cupcakes, singing "Under the Sea" in the most on point manner, singing songs from Beauty and the Beast in the taxi home, "It's a Tommy Ten" (S will find that hilarious, you probably won't... sorry) and of course the amazing show itself - Simon Webbe's Tango anyone? How about Caroline Flack's Charleston? Craig Revel Horwood's sass? The singers? The sparkle? What an awesome time!

To read more about my Auntie S see (HERE) - also Happy Birthday for Tuesday!

For the Strictly website, click (HERE).

Also, huuuuuggge mega thanks to O for letting me have his ticket and go and spend a great evening with my lovely Auntie S, I really appreciate it!

Commemorating and Remembering on Holocaust Memorial Day...

The 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz was earlier this month and I think that it is very important that we all remember the things that happened there and all of the people whose lives were affected by the horrific things that happened there.

Remember, respect and know that there is nobody out there and nothing about you or your choices that can take away your value, your importance or your rights. Diversity makes us who we are, do not be afraid of what makes you different.

To see the post that I did about the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz click (HERE)

My Favourite Blog Posts of January
Anyone interested in some posts from my four favourite blogs? Here you go...
"I'd Swipe Right For You" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE)

Charlotte really shows off her funny, charming side in this post which is one of the reasons I love her blog.
 With lines like " “I love gammon!”  Don’t we all mate." appearing in this post, I dare you not to smile.

"We Liked: The Simple Things" on Little Winter, (HERE)

I am a major lover of the simple things so this post was right up my street.
I now want to print all my photographs and have a big collage somewhere in my house like Katy has on her fridge as well as some Mini Eggs.
Also, I own those PJ bottoms, just saying...

"A Much Needed Break" on Made Up of Little Things, (HERE)

I enjoyed this post.
It looked like Rachael had an awesome time and I felt like this post let me experience some of that fun, quirky but relaxing experience, too.

"A poem and a picture {02}"on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

Poetry is a great love of mine and I think that it was brave of Rosie to share this, as poetry is so personal to its writer.
A unique post and boy can Rosie put together a nice little poem.

A Favourite Songs in January

There were lots but this beaut made the shortlist...

Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard, (HERE)

I have loved this song since it first came out. It is one of my all time favourites and you just need to listen.

Thank you for reading you beautiful little people.
What did you get up to in January? What do you think of what I did? Do you like the blog posts? How about the song? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
So, see you tomorrow...
Have a wonderful day today!
GingerSnaps xxx

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