
Friday 23 January 2015

I've Been Thinking... - Is It Time To Hit F5?


How are we all? Good, I hope. Now, if you were here last year or you have read back through the archive since arriving (I do that...), you might remember (THIS) little post. I really enjoyed writing the post and am excited to be writing another one, although this is probably later than ideal.

For those of you who don't remember the post from last year, allow me to explain...

I am not one for making New Years Resolutions. I don't particularly buy the whole term. If there is one thing people struggle to stick to, it is a "resolution". The term inspires people, but also puts pressure on them, leaving many people feeling as though they have let themselves down if they just cannot keep their resolutions. That being said, I do believe that a new year, that has very few moments in it yet, good or bad, leaves you a lot of useful space to better yourself and your life.

So, last year, I  came up with a new way of going about this type of thing as my way of bettering myself without intimidating myself.

And, I must say, it worked pretty blooming well...

I said last year that I wanted to:

Make better use of my time and do more.

I did a lot of wonderful things in 2014.
 I spent lots of time with family and friends, spent time working on moving house, travelled a lot, visited lots of places (well done to us for getting a new National Trust pass at last!). I spent lots of time relaxing, with numerous lazy days and pamper evenings as well as valuing the experiences I had everywhere. I went to interviews, gigs, family meals. I baked, I cooked, I watched a million and one films. I went to photography (the David Bailey Stardust) exhibitions. I went to shows, the theatre, wore pretty clothes. I saw people I haven't seen in years. I met new people. I went to all sorts of celebrations and wore jelly shoes. I laughed, cried, wore ridiculously bright lippy. I took opportunities. I sang and I danced and I fuelled long days with Ribena and Fruit Shoots. I built forts, drank milkshakes and strived to make everyday count for something.  I think I achieved my goal to Make better use of my time and do more as I could list a million things that I did last year and made the best memories.

Keep on top of my fitness.

So, fitness DVDs, daily routines and fitness focuses were all a big thing in 2014 and will be in 2015. I am glad I finally got over myself and started to really do myself a favour by keeping on top of my fitness and it makes me prouder and happier everyday.

Put more energy into this blog.
I tried very hard last year to do this and while it wasn't always possible to post as much as I wanted to, due to life, a problematic laptop and a lack of time, I truly did try. Despite maybe not posting very often, I believe my content was good. I always strive to make my content good and I am very pleased when I read back over the things I put up here in 2014. I hope you enjoyed the posts in 2014 and that we can continue to make progress here. So, I am happy to say that I Put more energy into this blog, and I am very proud of that.
So, go me! I am so proud that I kept all of these things up and really achieved some wonderful things in 2014. And that is why I figure that I should just hit F5 on the page that I am on rather than opening a new tab. And that is why there is no new F5 Refresh List this year. I want to stay on this page, maybe refresh the way I view things but overall, I am happy with where I am. I am going to stick to this.

So, to summarise, there is no all new F5/Refresh list for 2015.
I'm sticking to my three bullet points from 2014.
 I want to continue down the same road that I am on.
I want more lazy days, milkshakes, dancing and travel (and all those other things, too!), I want to experience awesome new things, I want to keep making myself proud of my fitness achievements and I want to make even more effort than ever before to make this blog the best it can be.
That is what I want.  
So, that is all for today. I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that you've had a really good week so far.
Do you make resolutions? Do you take a similar approach to the F5 instead? Have you made any plans, resolutions or refreshes for this year? Do you have any new goals you hope to achieve? How about comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
Alrighty then, I will speak to all of you lovely people soon.
I hope you have the most brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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