
Monday 13 July 2015

It's So In Vogue! - Fashion, Supermodels, Models and Fashion Photography - Annie Leibovitz


Well hello there ladies and gents! Its the perfect day for blogging and for reading books and drinking tea from one of my favourite mugs - its raining on and off and the sky is a lovely grey colour, which is perfect for staying curled up inside writing.

I haven't written a post in this series in donkeys years and I'm not 100% sure as to why that is, because I really like them... Anyway, I am here today with a fashion photography type post, focussing on the amazing Annie Leibovitz.

I know I don't really need a disclaimer for this, but I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on the fashion industry, and in particular, on models. I think that these ideas are often a misunderstanding of the industry, and the work and dedication involved. The fashion industry is a field I would love to work in, and have a real interest in, and so if you do have strong opinions that may offend anyone, please keep them to yourself. Thank you.
Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz was born in October 1949 in Connecticut in the USA.

 She studied painting at the San Francisco Art Institute, where she also took night classes in photography.
In 1970 she began work for Rolling Stone magazine and soon became their chief photographer. She left the magazine in 1980, I believe, and by then she'd shot over 100 covers (wow!)
She went on to join Vanity Fair in '83 and to start doing lots of regular work for Vogue in '98. 
On top of all this work, she has shot loads of awesome ad campaigns.

Exhibitions of her photos have appeared all over the world at some of the most prestigious galleries and museums and books have been produced of her work. Annie has been recognised and honoured globally for her work, notably by the Library of Congress and the French government.
Her work.

Annie is an amazing photographer who inspires the work of many other photographers (budding or pro).
I really love the attention to detail in her work and the way that she seems to capture what feels like a very real connection and magic in her models (especially when she works - as she often does - with multiple models at once).
In many of her shots, her subjects are seen smiling or with a joyful light in their eyes and I think that the way she captures that is very unique as this never seems false or forced.

Her work is brilliant.

The Final Notes.

Find her Tumblr site over (HERE) - aesthetically, it is a lovely slice of internet.
You can find her work for Vogue (HERE).
You can find her work for Vanity Fair (HERE).

Alrighty then, that is all for now, I think. I hope you've enjoyed the return of this series and hopefully we can start it back up a bit more regularly again.
What do you think of Annie Leibovitz's work? Do you agree with my thoughts? Which other fashion photographers do you like? Any suggestions for future posts or thoughts on this one? Let me know in the comments section.
I'll see you soon.

I hope you have a terrific day!

GingerSnaps xxx


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