
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Congratulations! - Blogging Milestones - Happy 2nd Birthday Blog!


How are you lovely people? Today, if you didn't guess by the title, is my blog's 2nd Birthday and I wanted to celebrate. Sadly, I can't give you all a slice of cake or a party bag but hopefully you'll enjoy this post (and the photos of cupcakes might be some kind of compensation on the cake front). Also, warning, this might be a bit "cheesy"... Soz...
This little blog, A Dash of Ginger, turned 2 on the 3rd of this month.
Wow. Two years. Two whole, actual years.
When I started A Dash of Ginger two years ago, I was so excited.
 I had been debating and debating with myself for a few months at that point as to whether or not I should start a blog but, eventually, I did it.
On the day I decided to begin my blog, Elf Girl (my bestest friend and fellow blogger - HERE) and I were sat in her kitchen and she sat patiently listening to my ramblings about blog names and all that jazz.
Then, I went home and set it up.
Having ideas whirling around in your head for months before jumping into something like this can be helpful - I could already picture how I wanted everything to look - my colour scheme, my design. I was so excited to create my blog at last.
 My parents, bless them, were also incredibly patient while I talked their ears off about where exactly each piece of the blog would fit best and about all my plans for it.
And so, that evening in my old house, my blog, A Dash of Ginger, was born and I hit publish on the first post on my very own blog (which was proof read about a trillion times by both me and my parents).
 I was excited.
I sat, with my Blogger Dashboard open on my laptop screen for most of the evening. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, but I was just excited to play around with ideas, create drafts and so on.
 I told my family and some friends about the blog, and I felt proud to tell them my plans.
 The first comment that I ever received on one of my posts told me that blogging is addictive, and that I should be prepared to lose hours, even days, to blogging. Of course, this was in fact very true.
Ideas for posts came from my little brain and from the suggestions of my family and friends and I enjoyed writing them up and publishing.

Fast forward a year and the Blogger Dashboard may as well have been my home screen.
Around the time my blog turned 1, I set up BlogLovin', I wrote posts as often as I could and I watched this little blog grow.
 It provided a sense of achievement and accomplishment, a whirr of ideas constantly in my brain, describing myself as a blogger, a love for what I was doing and for the people who appreciated it.
And, yeah, I know that at moments in the past two years, I have gone AWOL.
 There's been moments "IRL" (I know, I hate me for saying it, too) that have drawn me away from my computer, some awesome and some not so much.
There have been times when I have felt I was letting you guys down because I haven't always been able to write as much as I'd like to, or just honestly haven't felt like it and I am so truly sorry for those times.
But looking back at my archives now, I don't feel as disappointed seeing only a few posts in the archives for a particular month.
 Blogging *isn't* my job,  its my passion and I think that helps me to remember that as long as I always produce the best content I can for you to read, and so long as I blog about things that I really want to, and enjoy it all , then I'm doing the right thing.
Now that it has grown up a little more and it is 2 years old, I feel that this blog and I have an understanding.
 I love this blog so much and I love my readers loads.
I love being able to tell people that I write this blog.
I love being able to check in and see lovely comments, or page views or new followers.
And I'll always try my hardest to produce regular content - even if I don't always post as often as I'd like.
Blogging has become a massive part of my life and that is one of the best things.
I love blogging and I love you guys.

Over these past 2 years, I can most certainly say that this blog has given me nothing but pride, joy, excitement and love.
I cannot possibly ever thank it, or you, you lovely human behind that computer screen, enough for that whether I know you (in which case "yoo-hoo family!" - y'know, like Frozen?) or not. Whether you've been reading since day one, or if this is the first post of mine you have ever read.
Everything about the blog, your support and all the other bits in between truly mean the world to me and I am so grateful. So for every single one of my 4875 page views, each of my follows on Blogger and on BlogLovin', too - thank you.
Happy Birthday, A Dash Of Ginger.
I can't believe that you're already 2 years old.
We're both only young and both growing as a blog and a blogger respectively.
I cannot wait to see what happens here in this next year, and I hope that on your 3rd birthday, we'll have lots of good times to talk about. In fact, I know we will...
And to you, my lovely reader: I'd love it very much if you would stick around to see what happens next. Your continued support and readership means a huge deal to me, and I am so grateful. Thank you and I love you guys xxx

I hope you enjoyed that post. Also, thanks to my brilliant mother for being my photographer on this one, I'm really happy with the results.
Do you have any birthday messages for the blog? How long have you been a reader? What is your favourite post/type of post I have written? Do you like the photography? Do you have any suggestions or ideas for some posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments. 
Thank you, as always, for reading. You guys are awesome.
I hope your day is totally fantastic!
GingerSnaps xxx