
Sunday 14 June 2015

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - The Importance of Being Earnest.


It has been an incredibly long time since I've written a theatre review, but here I am. A few weeks ago now, my Mom and I took a trip out to Malvern to go and see The Importance of Being Earnest. My ever lovely Mom booked the tickets as a surprise and I am so glad she did as we really enjoyed it. I immediately thought, "let's go home and review this!" but obviously it was a bit late for all that carry on - so here I am now.

I have been a huge fan of Oscar Wilde and his writing since forever and I quote The Importance of Being Earnest all the time (even if people don't always pick up on the references...) so it was a great one to go and see.

Before I begin, I just want to say that it might seem like I think every show is brilliant and worth a viewing. However, this isn't the case. I would never tell you to go and see something that I didn't think was worth your time or hard earned cash. There will be times when I tell you not to go and see something, as well as times when I say you *have* to go and see something (like today). These reviews contain my 100% honest opinion and just because something isn't my thing, doesn't mean it won't be yours, these reviews are for advice only.

What's it about?

Two (fairly young) bachelor friends, Algernon Moncrieff and John Worthing, lead double lives to court the attentions of Gwendolyn Fairfax and Cecily Cardew. Throughout the play, the men must grapple with the (rather hilarious!) consequences of their ruse, as well as with the formidable Lady Bracknell.
What did I think?

I thought that this was wonderful!

I laughed so much the whole time and the way this was staged and acted brought Oscar Wilde's excellent, hilarious writing to the brightest form of life.

David Suchet played Lady Bracknell.
 It's an iconic role and a lot of pressure, and seeing Poirot in a dress was a pretty weird experience (!) but he did it so, so well. He was hilarious and everything he did was in character, from his speech to the way he stood which is exactly what I expected from him. Brilliant!
Emily Barber played Gwendolen Fairfax.
I really enjoyed watching Emily perform and she played Gwendolen really well. She was funny and she allowed her character to interact well with the other characters/actors on stage while still commanding the audience. Superb!

Michael Benz took on the role of John Worthing.
I think that he did a really good job of portraying John, he was very funny and his scenes with Philip Cumbus (read on for more on him) were so brilliant/side-splitting/well acted. He brought the character to a believable yet interesting and humorous life and that's great to watch. Awesome!

Philip Cumbus portrayed Algernon Moncrieff.
He was brilliant. His performance was very entertaining, funny, and, as I said before, his scenes with Michael Benz were some of the best. I think he really suited the character and he brought it to life in an excellent and humorous way. Fantastic!

Cecily Cardew was played by Imogen Doel.
Imogen was one of my stand outs from the play. Her portrayal of Cecily was amazing and truly hilarious. She conveyed the charming, funny, slightly dim nature of her character in the best way. I absolutely loved her performance. Wonderful!

Michele Dotrice was Miss Prism.
Michele's performance was really good and I was really entertained by her performance. She's a really good actress ("Some Mothers Do Ave ‘Em" anyone?) and she showcased that brilliantly in this play. Great!

Richard O’Callaghan was Reverend Canon Chasuble.
His work with Michele Dotrice was wonderful and he gave a very good performance. He is great (as we know from his previous work) and, like Dotrice, he really showed us all in the audience just how good he was. Excellent!

David Killick was Lane.
He made his role more than it could be in the best way possible and I think he did a great job and brought the entertainment factor up a notch. Fab!

Brendan Hooper played Merriman.
He was also very good and I think he really contributed to the entertainment value, similarly to the way David Killick did. Ace! 

The staging and all the additionals (costume/sets/etc.) were beautifully done. Thumbs up to all on Creative for this one.

I loved this performance, I found it so entertaining and laugh out loud. Big love for this one.

What did other people think?

The sound of laughter filled the room throughout the show, so clearly everyone was enjoying themselves!

I did a spot or two of eavesdropping (don't say I don't love you guys!) and people seemed to really enjoy the performance and they seemed to really appreciate the skill of the actors and actresses on stage.

Would I recommend it?

100% yes, if you hadn't already guessed.

I think that it is a very enjoyable show with a unique sense of humour to it and a great cast and creative.

Well, well worth going to see, you should go and see it if you can!

When can you go and see it?

While I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest in Malvern, it is going to be running at The Vaudeville Theatre on The Strand in London from the 24th June until the 7th November this year (2015), I believe.

The final notes...
  • If you do go, enjoy it, dress smart casually (as I always say, out of respect for everyone involved).
  • Be prepared to laugh until your belly hurts!
  • Do what I did and take a big bar of chocolate in your clutch bag for the interval (and eat it alongside your tiny little ice-cream!) 

That's it for today, everyone. I really hope that you've enjoyed reading this today, especially since I haven't done a theatre review in donkeys.
Do you like Oscar Wilde's plays? What do you think about The Importance of Being Earnest as a play? Would you like to go and see this play when its season starts? Did you enjoy this post (even though I undeniably over-used the words "funny" and "hilarious")? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you for joining me today, you lovely people.
Have the most utterly brilliant day!
GingerSnaps xxx

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