
Sunday 8 January 2017

Recent Reads - Books - Why It's OK Not To Finish Books.


I've been wanting to write this post for quite a while but this is the first time I have actually sat down at my laptop to do it. I haven't written about books for some time and this is a bit different so hopefully you'll enjoy it.

I talk about books a lot. Lots of my friends and family like reading, and so its a natural topic of conversation. Sometimes, people tell me that they are ten chapters into a book and when I ask them about it they tell me they aren't all that keen on it but they don't want to stop reading it in case it gets better.

I personally see no point in persisting and powering through, reading books that honestly, you don't even like whether its Pride and Prejudice or Gok Wan's autobiography. Chances are it won't get any better if you really haven't been all that enamoured by it from the start. Its a waste of time. Its a waste of your energy. You could spend those things on something else, be it reading a different book that you actually like or something completely removed from literature.

If you don't like a book, that's up to you. It doesn't mean that you aren't intelligent enough to understand it. It doesn't mean that you don't have good taste in books. Books are subjective things. Just because the world and his wife think that a book is great, doesn't mean you have to. You are allowed to enjoy whatever you want to and so in turn are allowed to dislike whatever it is you dislike.

I've listed some examples of books that received critical acclaim and huge popularity that I didn't finish. I haven't listed them to bash them or turn you against them or discredit the authors or the views of those who enjoyed them. I just wanted to show you that just because hundreds of other people love them, it's fine to walk away from books.
 Just like with anything in life, you are allowed to make your own opinions. Just because others like a book or anything else doesn't make it definitively good and likewise just because you or others dislike something, it doesn't mean it is 100% bad. It means that you have your own mind and that's a wonderful thing. So don't suffer through to the end of books or films or anything else that bores you or bothers you or makes you angry and so on. You are an individual with a life to lead - take the responsibility of filtering out the less wonderful things in all aspects of life into your own hands.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the post.
What are your thoughts like this? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts. Let me know in the comments.
Speak soon.

Have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. i could be the world ambassador for unfinished books. 30% of my books just live in the DNF zone, i think it nice to get reassurance that i am not the only one.

    1. Haha, same. It's always nice to know it's not just you, isn't it? Glad I could provide that feeling. GingerSnaps xxx

  2. I'm with you. There are too many things to do in life and enjoy so if you're not feeling a book put it down! X

    1. Glad you agree - hopefully more and more people will realise this, too. GingerSnaps xxx
