
Friday 26 May 2017

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do - Music - 2017 Summer Playlist Essentials.


Before I begin, I just wanted to say that my thoughts are with the people affected by the events in Manchester earlier this week - I was shocked by the news, and cannot imagine how the families and friends of the victims, the injured and the community of Manchester are feeling. My heart goes out to them all. All I can say is that we must hold onto our faith in hope, love and goodness, support each other wherever we can, and remember those whose lives have been lost.

Today I have some songs that are essential for your summer playlists, especially when it's as sunny as it is in the UK right now - getting outside (with plenty of SPF) and blasting these songs at top volume is the perfect way to enjoy this summertime weather.

I love Miley Cyrus - I had done since she started at Disney and have followed and loved her music ever since. In this Billboard interview (which is one of the best things I've read so far this year) she spoke about her newest release, 'Malibu', and I spent days waiting for it - I actually squealed when it appeared in my suggestions on YouTube. 'Malibu' is a beautiful love song, that combines rock and pop elements with a sense of delicacy and vulnerability. Miley's voice the focal point, and this song just showcases how rich and how strong her voice is. In some ways, its a calm track, but a very upbeat and joyful one which will send your brain straight to a happy place, and put you in mind of the beach.

'I'm the One' by DJ Kahled, Justin Beiber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper, and Lil Wayne.

This has already been at number 1 in the UK chart, and is firmly in the Top 5, and it isn't hard to see why. This is again a really chill, understated track musically, and Justin Beiber's vocals really lift the chorus. You could totally dance to this but it's also pretty chill, and I love that versatility. I think the choice of rappers on this track is spot on and their verses are awesome - I think they showcase rap in such a positive way. I'm a big fan of all of these artists individually and I think that together, they have created such a great collaboration, and I think it's worth the hype it's been getting.

'Love's Run Out' by Circa Waves.

We all know by now that I am the biggest Circa Waves fan, and I rattle on about their music to anyone who'll listen. This track is so soothing and so heartfelt. It makes you slow down and take a moment. It shows their Liverpudlian roots clear as day - I can definitely hear the influence of The Beatles on this (as well as other 60s groups). The production is amazing, making it sound like a treasure found from the past, with a slightly crackle-y, viynl feel to its sound. The lyrics are gorgeous and so simple, creating a sublime love song that I couldn't help falling for.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope this post has brought some joy to your day, and I'm sure these songs will too.
What songs are essential to your summer playlists this year? Do you have any other comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment and let me know.
Speak soon, big love.

I hope your day is full of sunshine!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. always find it interesting reading these there is always at lest one song and i am really surprised about you liking and first but the more i read it Im just actually I totally get that.

    1. Thanks for reading. I think some of my choices do surprise people, so I totally get what you mean. Its interesting that music is like a way of getting to know people, isn't it? Enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend! GingerSnaps xxx
