
Tuesday 16 May 2017

Oh My Life! - Tales of My Life and Times - A Visit To Warwick Castle (And Why You Should Visit This Summer).


Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about a day out that Elf Girl and I went on back in April and also tell you why you should also go on a similar day out. We went to Warwick Castle, a popular heritage site that is local to us, and we had a great day.

I hadn't been to Warwick Castle for at least 6 years - I'd been on many a childhood family and school trip - and so I was excited to see the new features I'd seen advertised, and of course to spend the day pretending to be royalty with my best friend.

The first thing we did when we arrived was head over to the new Horrible Histories Maze. As Horrible Histories fans, and big kids, we were excited to see what it would be like.
 We weren't disappointed.

It was one of the highlights of the day. There are several sections within the maze based on different historical periods. It's more about finding those places than finding the way out and it is so much fun. There are plenty of photo opportunities, and lots of bitesize information, and it's fun for all ages.

When you leave the maze, there are two exits - one for the grown-ups, one for the children. The children's exit is like an obstacle course, and I can tell you first hand that it is a whole lot of fun, even if our heights did make it a bit complicated - I had to walk across the tops of the obstacles but I think it made it all the more enjoyable.

The State Rooms are open to visit, and so we saw a range from bedrooms to libraries to chapels.

The rooms are gorgeous, although I will say that there isn't as much information available in them or about them as there is at similar heritage properties, which is something to bear in mind if you love your history, like me.

However, they are still very much worth a wander through. Oh, but just to warn you, we did hear a really odd hissing noise in the library and we practically flew out of the room because our first conclusion was "It might be a ghost". It was hilarious, and probably not a ghost, but do let me know if you hear it on any recent visits, haha.

The Mound and the battlements give great views of the castle grounds and the Warwickshire landscape - which is beautiful - as well as allow you to be taken back in time to the castle' s history as a defensive site. I think my last visit before this was on a school trip that was centred on defensive castles - in the same year we studied William the Conquerer, so it was with that time period in mind - so it also called back a few memories to be up on the battlements again.

The grounds are home to several birds of prey, gift shops and restaurants (where you can stock up on sweets and toy swords), small archery workshops for children and lots of shows.

We saw an amazingly informative and totally hilarious Horrible Histories show, but at other times of year there are other cool shows - such as epic War of the Roses battles over the summer, which sound incredible. There are also falconry displays and trebuchet shows (their trebuchet is the largest working siege machine in the world) on throughout the year, which are awesome, and were a staple part of visits for me when I was younger.

There are several other cool things to see and do at Warwick Castle but I would recommend following our plan for the day.
I had so much fun - of course spending the day with my best friend probably helped a lot, but I'm sure the castle and it's grounds played their parts too, haha.
Oh, and there are Ben and Jerry's vending machine in the car park, and if that final statement hasn't convinced you, I don't know what will.

I had such a great time, and I'm so glad we went - you should definitely put it on your list for 'Days Out' ideas, it's well worth it. I mean, really, what's better than spending the day scanning round a castle in pretty dresses, pretending to be princesses with your friends? Not much, I'd bet.

I hope you enjoyed this post.
Have you been to Warwick Castle? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Leave me a comment to let me know.
Thanks so much for reading.

I hope your day is brilliant!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. aww the amount of time is was referred to as the best friend is doing nothing for my ego, and also up date on the ghost one of my friend works there now... its was a radiator XD and we are idiots.

    1. Aw, well it's true, you are my best friend, so it's fine! And I'm still not convinced, there could be a radiator ghost in our midst haha XD. GingerSnaps xxx
