
Thursday 20 July 2017

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do - Music - Live Music Lately.


Good evening. I think I said in my last post that uploads would be back to normal but so far for July... I had one of the busiest and best weeks of my life last week and so I wasn't able to write and upload but I am excited to fill you in this week. I wanted to start at the beginning of the week, which was booked up with live music. Let's begin.

A note here: I had planned for this to go up today earlier this week. I'm editing it now because I simply couldn't publish a music post without taking a moment to reflect on Chester Bennington, the singer from Linkin Park, who has recently passed away. My thoughts are with the band, his friends and family.

Now onto the post.

On Sunday the 9th, I went to Godiva Festival with a certain Elf and one of our close friends. Godiva Festival is held in the War Memorial Park in Coventry, so it's definitely one for my fellow Midlanders.
 It's also free to enter, which is an absolute gift. They have a Rythmn Tent which you will adore if, like me, you are a big fan of ska and other similar genres. It's full of great bands. Then there's the 'main stage' where we caught the end of the Lucy Spraggan set and watched Kate Nash (yep, she's still going haha). The main reason we went was to see The Darkness and they did not let us down at all. If you aren't familiar with them, they are a hair metal/glam rock band who've been making music for at least fourteen years. They are easily one of my favourite acts that I have seen live - they put on such a good show, they have great banter and they care about their audience in a very genuine way. Their set was filled with everything from old to new songs and it was glorious. 

I also finally got to go and see Coldplay with my Uncle B last Tuesday. A few years ago, I was invited to tag along with him but couldn't because of school commitments, and this repeated through sixth form and life and such. Finally, this year I was free and so we went down to Cardiff to see them perform their Head Full of Dreams tour. I finally got one of the Xylobands (they light up automatically during the concert, at different speeds and in different colours) - let me tell you, seeing an entire stadium light up yellow is quite the sight to behold.

 The show is also full of confetti, pyrotechnics and giant balloons, so it is a lot of fun and certainly a memorable performance. We were also able to buy Pringles from the bar and got through several tubs during the gig, which is certainly not a bad thing. Thanks Uncle B for taking me!

As I said at the beginning of this post, I still have plenty of things from last week to fill you in on, and hopefully I'll be doing that over the next few days. I hope you enjoyed reading this.
Have you been to see any live music recently? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks so much for reading.

I hope your day is wonderful!

GingerSnaps xxx