
Wednesday 9 August 2017

I've Been Thinking... - Blogging (Where I'm At).


I wanted to sit down and have a chat and a cup of tea with you today. I haven't done that in a while but I'm looking forward to this. I think its fair to say that so far this year, posts have been somewhat sparse. I wanted to tell you where that's left me with blogging, and explain a little bit as to where I've been.

I don't go into detail about what occupies my weekdays all that much on here, and I won't bore you with specifics now, but I will say that my workload significantly increased during the first half of this year. I went and did my regular weekday work, and then came home and did more. Those of you who know me in real life will know what this work was and what I was working towards, but for those of you who don't it was all going towards some very significant goals.

I hadn't realised quite how much I had thrown myself into this work, but I was just looking back at my blog content from so far this year and I think it really shows. Last year I really found my stride with blogging and I was so pleased with my content and I was uploading regularly and more people were reading and I just wanted to tap dance in the street about the whole thing. This year, that hasn't really been the case. Its so hard to get back into the swing of something when you have, if we're being honest, neglected it for months. Its like returning to a game of Nintendogs when you finally found the game card again after it was lost in the depths of your bedroom and not quite remembering how to make the dog do tricks (this analogy obviously won't make much sense to you if you weren't an avid Nintendo DS player like me). I don't necessarily think of writing a blog post now when I'm bored. I'm not even signed into my Google account on my laptop half the time. I have ideas for posts and then don't get round to writing them because I seem to have forgotten that I actually need to sit down and write the thing, rather than just think about it, for it to actually materialise.
 I wanted to let you know that I have not stopped blogging, I am still here, I have not given up, I have no intentions of doing so. I know its super frustrating when you have no new posts to read and I'm sorry that this space has become one of those places recently. I'm in the process now of writing several posts, and hopefully I'll manage to finish writing them, take photos for them, and publish them before 2085. Please bear with me as I try and remember not only how to do this, but to do this. I won't promise ten posts a month, because it will take a while for me to get back to that place, but I am promising posts. I'm not one for breaking promises so I'll be doing my best to keep this one. And if you know me in real life, please feel free to spam my life with reminders to upload - and if you don't know me in real life, then you can always spam the comments section and I'll get a million notifications to spur me on.
Thanks for reading. I hope you've enjoyed reading this little catch up post.
Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? I'd love to hear from you, so be sure to leave a comment below.
Thanks for your patience. I'll speak to you all soon.
Have a fabulous day!
GingerSnaps xxx


  1. honestly that was where i was at a year ago for different reasons. don't try and strain your self and write something you are not proud of or happy with do it at your pace it should be a hobbie not a chore.

    1. I really needed a comment like this, thank you for the advice! I'm trying to be nice to myself about it and remember this is something I do for fun. GingerSnaps xxx

  2. hark at me doctor Rachel in the house

  3. omg would house have to say doctor house in the house i have open up a whole new life crisis for my self.

    1. I think so, but would that stop him saying it all together because it's not as catchy? GingerSnaps xxx
