
Thursday 27 June 2013

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - RSC As You Like It.

Sorry for not blogging in so long everyone - I'm very lazy busy.
Weeks and weeks and weeks ago now (the 1st of June to be precise), I went to see the RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company) production of the Shakespeare Comedy, "As You Like It" with a few others at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford Upon Avon.

And before we begin, I hope it doesn't bother you that I've started centralising the text - I think it looks pretty...


What is it about?

The lead characters, Rosalind and Orlando, are banished from court (separately) and have to flee to the Forest of Arden to protect themselves and their lives (individually). Unexpectedly, they find freedom and as their paths meet and intertwine (rather complicatedly), their love grows. With companions of a completely hilarious nature and new friends found in the depths of the forest, everyone begins to enjoy life. But, will everything work out as we think it will?

What do I think?

Firstly, I love this play anyway - its a hilarious comedy and it amazes me that Tudor humour still works today. This version is interesting, funny, unique and after about 20 minutes you get used to hearing Tudor language as opposed to todays language.  I think one of the reasons for this is that is the absolutely brilliant acting throughout. The entire cast were amazing but I (as always) have stand out actors, who turned out to be the main characters (unusual for me). For me, Pippa Nixon, who played the lead - Rosalind - was fabulous. She carried the part perfectly and I really struggled to fault her - she's great. It can be a daunting part to play but she did a great job. I also really liked Nicolas Tennant who plays Touchstone - the fool. He was incredibly funny - an absolutely brilliant Touchstone. He delivered his performance with ease and brought a naturally funny quality. He was fab. I also really enjoyed the performances of Alex Waldmann (Orlando - mentioned above), David Fielder (who plays Orlando's servant, Adam, a lovely character you'll struggle not to like), Rosie Hilal (who plays Audrey, a goat heard. She did the job brilliantly and I just really liked her and her skills), and Joanna Horton (who gave a great performance as Celia, Rosalind's sister). I have tried my hardest to narrow it down here but I absolutely adored every single cast members performance - an excellent range of actors and actresses who you'll find hard to fault. The play was carried out with a modern take, everyone had 21st Century (rather cool, actually) costume that I would wear in general - beanies, jumpers and Nirvana tees! Everything outside court - in the Forest of Arden - has a really cool festival vibe, like Glasto on a stage. Loads of the cast sit and play guitar throughout and the cast sing and prance about like pixies. I genuinely want to live in a forest with those people. They not only seemed to enjoy themselves but helped us enjoy ourselves too. I was totally swept up in it all.
However... I wouldn't ever just give you my opinion - I'll always give you a few because, then, with a few different viewpoints, you can make a judgement about whether or not you'd like to go. One of the people I went with had the same views as me - seriously, almost identical to what I've written above. She loved it, thought it was really well acted, had a really unique spin on a Shakespeare classic and that it had a fun festival vibe. The other person we went with felt the same however thought some of the actors lacked. However, we all agreed that it is well, well, well worth going to see and that we all adored the fun, modern spin and the general atmosphere. 
So, just in case you still aren't sure, then definitely just go and see it.  You won't regret it - I promise.
Although, one thing to remember - please, please, please remember to make an effort in terms of what you wear. I think that out of respect to the actors and the rest of the people involved, at every theatre show you see you should dress smart casually - if your struggling, a nice top, some leggings or jeans and some heels or pretty flats are you're best bet (if you're a girl). I made a bit more of an effort for this show and wore a maxi dress, some sandals, a little pashmina wrap and swept my hair to the side. For my makeup, I wore a silver glitter eye with a soft peachy blush and bronze toned lips.
I really do recommend this show to everyone.
The RSC Production of As You Like It by William Shakespeare is running at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford Upon Avon until September 28th 2013 and then runs at the Theatre Royal in Newcastle Upon Tyne from October 29th 2013 to November 2nd, so do be sure to catch it.
It's great to be blogging again, guys. Hope you are having a good week and that everything is going well for you all. Do leave me a comment and let me know if you'd consider going to this show or whether you like this review or agree with it. Even if you'd just like a chit-chat, then please do leave a comment.

Have a lovely day today, you fabulous people.
GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 16 June 2013

Showing My Dad Some Love - Happy Fathers Day.


As I'm sure you all know, today is Fathers Day. I wanted to do a bit of an appreciation post for my Dad. It *is* Father's Day after all and who can think of a better present than an blog post on the interwebs about you? (no Daddy -  you can't comment telling me I should have bought you a Rolex, OK?)

I love my Dad to bits. He's hilarious, a genius and really caring. I couldn't have ever asked for a better Father, to be honest. He's someone I love talking to. He's someone I love listening to. And I wouldn't be who I am today without him.
So, if you're lucky enough to have a Dad to celebrate with today/a Dad you want to celebrate - and I appreciate that some people don't (and if you're one of those people then I'm sorry) - then remember how very special he is.
Daddy - I love you loads and always will - no matter what. Have a great day. You deserve it. xxx
Have a lovely day everyone.

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 9 June 2013

Food Glorious Food! - Restaurant Review - Havana, Leamington Spa.


Before I begin this post, I'd like to just have a chat with you. When I logged on today, I noticed how many people had viewed this blog in just this week... 97!!! It's a pretty big number! Thank you so, so, so, much for reading my blog!

Anyway - back to business.

A few weeks ago now (before I started blogging), I went to a restaurant called "Havana". It's in Leamington Spa in the West Midlands. Those of you who have read my "Getting to Know You... 25 Facts About Me" post will know it's one of my favourite restaurants. It offers a range of the most beautiful Cuban food. There's some photography in this post - woah there!!! - and so I'll talk more as we go...


I love the décor of Havana. As you can see from the above photos, it's very relaxed. The exposed bricks add a really rustic charm and the muted browns and greens contribute to the Cuban theme.
It genuinely does feel like you *have* stepped into a little bistro in Cuba with the sun spilling in from the windows and not like your on the high street of Leamington Spa about 5 minutes walk from the Shopping Centre.
We went on a boiling hot day but inside it was cool and a welcome retreat.
I started the meal with a Homemade Elderflower Presse. I love Elderflower but some Elderflower  drinks can be quite dry and taste very flat. However this was absolutely amazing! It tasted beautiful and the flavour was just strong enough to be noticeable without being overbearing. Very refreshing.


I was out and about with my parents that day and that is why there are three dishes - I'm not that greedy...
My Mom had the Chorizo and Crayfish Salad with Croutons and Tobaccos Dressing (the dish on the left). She loved it. Now, my family and friends are of a "Let me share or I'll pinch it anyway" culture when it comes to food and so I got to try some as did my Dad. It was fantastic! The flavours really complemented each other and it was nice and light but, as my Mom told me, still rather filling. Big thumbs up for that salad.
My lovely Dad had the Meat Board (the dish on the right). Again, I did give this a bit of a try too. I thought it was great. Sometimes, you don't want a big lunch and so the boards are a wise choice. There's a wide variety of boards but the Meat Board is well worth checking out. It features Serrano Ham, Chorizo, Salami, Mixed Olives, Bread and Pickles. This is basically my dream on a wooden board. Very moreish.
I had a Crepes with Lemon and Sugar. I wasn't massively hungry (I'm never particularly hungry when it's hot outside), but they were just right to fill me up. Crepes can be a bit stodgy sometimes which I hate but these were very light. They were possibly the best Crepes I've ever had and they were perfect. Yum.
After spending the afternoon walking round Leamington, we went *back* to Havana for more.
I had a Lemon and Seed Muffin and more Elderflower Presse. It was AMAZING. It was beautifully baked and was delicious. The best part though was the surprise core of a lemon-y substance (possibly Lemon Curd?) which was not only a surprise but very enjoyable too.
My Mom had some form of Coffee (it might have been a Cappuccino). With it she had a slice of Coffee and Walnut Cake (again I seagulled some  tried some). It was a great bit of cake. It was wonderfully flavoured and was not dry at all. Beautiful.

My Dad had the Chorizo and Crayfish Salad that you saw earlier. I'll show you again because the previous picture wasn't great.  He also had some fabulous apple juice very refreshing.
So, all in all, I adore Havana. They are an amazing restaurant with the most friendly staff ever. They have seating outside and inside - both very comfortable.  It now holds a place in my Top Five Places To Eat because of its absolutely stunning food and it's relaxed atmosphere.

Seriously guys, go and check it out. You won't be disappointed. I promise.
Havana have a WEBSITE. Just click on the link and have a butchers.
Feel free to leave a comment down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Are you interested in going to Havana? Have you been?
That's all for now then, have a lovely day.
GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 7 June 2013

Getting to Know You... 25 Facts About Me.


Recently in Blogland, I've noticed that a lot of people have done a "25 Facts About Me" post including some of my favourite bloggers ever - more on those people in an upcoming post.

So, without further a do, here are 25 Facts About Me. The majority of these facts are not necessarily important. However, its my blog and I'll write what I want to...

"25 Facts About Me".
1. I am completely and utterly addicted to cupcakes!!!
 2. I prefer Strictly Come Dancing to The X Factor - don't judge me!
3. My favourite holiday is Christmas.
4. I love Christmas so, so, so much that I sing Christmas songs all year round (sad, I know).
5. I am very family and friends orientated. I value them all so much and my life wouldn't be the same without those beautiful creatures.
6. I spent far too much time on the internet - particularly Blogs and YouTube.   
7. I am a complete "foodie".
8. I really like photography.
9. My favourite restaurants are The Balcon on Pall Mall in London, Havana in Leamington Spa, Porters in Covent Garden and The Rhubarb in Leamington Spa.
10. One of the best parts about Summer is Afternoon Tea - I eat it practically everyday in the Summer.
12. I went to T4 On The Beach last year - turns out it was the last ever one - and I loved it!
13. I love everything Ginger - my hair, the flavour, the scent.... everything!
14. I am a professional theatre go-er. I go to the theatre very, very, very often - I LOVE IT!

15. I adore Lily Cole. If you don't know who she is, Google her, she's an amazing creature.

16. I use Factor 30 Sun-cream - but lots of it, because I'm so fair. I could use Factor 50 but they don't make Factor 50 Spray's typically.

17. I am part of the iPhone family.

16. I love visiting Castles, Stately Homes and Monuments. I'm really interested in History.

17. I like flowers and trees - a LOT.

18. Peter Kay is my favourite male comedian.

19. Miranda Hart is my favourite female comedian.

20. I can speak Spanish.

21. I love Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows and Cream and Lemonade and Ice Cream Floats.

22. I love Harry Potter!

23. My favourite band is Elbow (I also love Oasis, Nirvana, Fall Out Boy, The Verve, and Keane).

24. My favourite solo singer(s) are Van Morrison, Amy Winehouse (RIP) and Paul Carrack.

25. I love make-up and creating looks on myself and my friends/family. I love creative (bright, editorial) looks and also period looks (50's, 60's, 90's).

Obviously, this isn't *everything* there is to know about me but hopefully, over time, we'll get to know each other better.
I hope the weather is as lovely for you as it is for me right now and that if it is you're enjoying the sunshine (with an SPF and some shades - obviously).
Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed.
Have a lovely day or evening whatever you are getting up to right now...
GingerSnaps xxx

Monday 3 June 2013

First Impressions Count...


Welcome to my little space of the interwebs - A Dash Of Ginger.
I've been meaning to start a blog for a very long time now. A little while back, I started a blog with my best friend but there were problems with the blog itself, which meant that we couldn't keep it up, which was a shame. I'd considered the idea before this though. I only wrote one post on the blog I mentioned before but I instantly fell in love with it. I love love love writing but feel like I don't do it enough and hopefully, this will become a constant creative space.
I'm planning on blogging about a lot of different things - beauty posts, lifestyle posts, style posts, seasonal things and just thoughts really.

I'll share more with you over time and I'm sure we'll get on just great.

I hope that you enjoy my little blog as much as I will...

GingerSnaps xxx