
Sunday 22 September 2013

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - One Man, Two Guvnors.


Firstly, I'm very, very sorry for not posting much so far this month. Don't worry though, I'm back now and for good this time, honestly. I've always got loads of drafts waiting but I never seem to find the time to finish them and sometimes, I don't feel like it and if I'm not putting in 100%, it wouldn't be worth reading. Right then, lets stop rambling and get on with it.

Today, I'm going to review another one of the shows I went to see during August - gosh, that seems like so long ago now. This time, it's the turn of One Man, Two Guvnors - the second show of the week.

Before I begin, I just want to say that it might seem like I think every show is brilliant and worth a viewing. However, this isn't the case. I would never tell you to go and see something that I didn't think was worth your time or hard earned cash. There will be times when I tell you not to go and see something, as well as times when I say you *have* to go and see something (like today). These reviews contain my 100% honest opinion and just because something isn't my thing, doesn't mean it won't be yours, these reviews are for advice only.

As I said above, this was the second show of the week. We went to the Matinée (afternoon performance) of this play.

One Man, Two Guvnors is on at The Theatre Royal Haymarket on Suffolk Street in London. Suffolk Street is just around the corner from Pall Mall which also meant that it was just around the corner from The Balcon - one of my favourite restaurants ever! - and so obviously a stop there was in order!


 What is it about?

 After he's fired from his band, Francis Henshall becomes minder to Roscoe Crabbe. But, what he doesn't know is that Roscoe is really Rachel, posing as her dead brother – who’s been killed by her boyfriend Stanley Stubbers. Francis spies the chance of an extra meal ticket and so takes up a job with Stanley – but to stop himself from being found out, he has to keep his two "guvnors" apart. What could possibly go wrong?

 What did I think?
To put it simply, this show was just completely and utterly BRILLIANT. I really, really enjoyed it.
This show is based Commedia Dell'arte, (if your not familiar with what that is, please do feel free to open a new tab and do your research then close that and continue here). Sometimes, Commedia Dell'arte, if it's not done properly can come across as a bit "going through the motions", because of its set up and outlines. However, this didn't at all. I think that its a great means of breathing a new life into this old Italian tradition.
I really thought all the actors were just truly wonderful.
Francis Henshall, mentioned above, is played by Rufus Hound. Now, I know, some of you will be more interested now because of that fact but that some people aren't fans of his. I promise you, if you are a fan of his, if your not (I'm not normally), or not really phased by him, you'll love him by the end of this show. He is just great in this play, so funny, charming and full of energy.
Amy Cudden was really good as Rachel Crabbe, also mentioned above. Very funny, somehow believable in all the madness of this play, and she looks great in a suit.
Stanley Stubbers is portrayed by Sam Alexander. He was brilliant in the role, was funny, entertaining and really played the part well. Wonderful.
Everyone else was just utterly amazing as well including Kelly Price as Dolly (who is a highly amusing character), Martin Barrass who plays Alfie (literally amazing that this man manages to stay in character, whilst doing all the physical theatre aspects), David Benson who has taken on the role of Gareth (so funny, honestly, just hilarious), Ian Burfield as Charlie "The Duck" Clench, Harry Kershaw as Alan Dangle and Hugh Sachs as Harry Dangle (all great with enjoyable performances). Then of course there is Derek Elroy whose performance as Lloyd Boateng is brilliant, loved it. Finally, there's Rhona Croker. She played Pauline Clench a character who reminds me of one of my Auntie's very much and whom I found to be a great all round character.
Something else which I found so great about the performance was The Craze. The Craze are a really good band who perform during the show at different points. Personally, I found that they really added something special to the experience and I do love a spot o music anyway, so all was good from them.
Physical theatre is a huge part of this show and so I thought I'd give some credit to Cal McCrystal and everyone else who is involved in directing and choreographing this show because they did an excellent job.

Also, the costumes, sets, and so on were really of a high quality and standard.
What did other people think?
There was not a single person in that theatre that I could see or hear that wasn't having a great time and laughing their heads off. There was a family with three kids of varying ages on my row and they all loved it, I had a great time and there were a cluster of elderly men and women behind me having a hoot and a half. This really is for everyone. I didn't find a single person who didn't seem to be enjoying it.
Would I recommend it?
I would recommend this highly to anyone, whether you have much of a sense of humour or not, whether you prefer more serious theatre, or not, because to me it was just sheer brilliance in a 2 hour 30 minute performance.
When can you go and see it?
One Man, Two Guvnors is currently booking up until March 2014 - I'm not sure if it will be taking bookings after that date, but I'd recommend checking that out. It is running at the Theatre Royal Haymarket on Suffolk Street just off Pall Mall, London. There is also a tour of the UK and Ireland coming up some time in the future, the dates haven't been given yet but do keep an eye out if that is of interest to you.
The final notes...
  • This will come as no surprise to those of you who have read my theatre reviews before, but please do dress smart casually.
  • Make sure to get ice-cream at this show, its good.
  • Try and get the best seats that you can, it's not for any particular reason, it's just a great show.
  • Enjoy.
Right then guys, I hope that you've enjoyed this post and that it's been of use to you. I would be great if you went to see this show and if you do, then be sure to let me know in the comments. Have you seen the show already? Do you agree with me or not?
I hope that you have a really nice day!
GingerSnaps xxx

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