
Thursday 17 April 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life and Times - My New House, Update Two; Baths, Beds, Falling Off Ladders and Being Half Way There


Long time, no house update. Sorry! But, here we are, and for those of you who are interested, house update number two is ready.

If you haven't yet read my first update, or it has been so long you can't remember the details, then (HERE) it is.

Since we last spoke about this topic, we have made a nice load of progress. All the wallpaper we wanted gone is just that, we've taken bathroom tiles to the rubbish tip/landfill/recycling place, carpets have been given to a nearby cat sanctuary and not so nice wardrobe units dealt with. The kitchen units have now been cleaned about three times and floors have been mopped. We've also painted the ceilings with emulsion. That's were falling off a ladder comes into things.

I am incredibly clumsy so.... I honestly don't know what made me fall, I just realised I was falling half way to the floor. I've been told it was a rather fabulous fall, and I had supreme bruises on my leg to prove it. I did finish that ceiling though, I had too much to do to feel sorry for myself!

We have bought laminate floors and underlay for the rooms they are needed in, and are happy with them. All we need now is for them to be fitted!
We have ordered a bath and shower enclosure with appropriate add on's (and had it delivered), and I ordered a bed yesterday which I couldn't be happier with. On the topic of bedrooms, I've gone against the original feature wall ideas - it just seemed like the right thing to do - and am looking at other wallpapers currently. I may not have a feature wall at all, I may just use a delicate/not-so-in-your-face wallpaper on all the walls in the bedroom. I am also revisiting an idea I had for a quote/lyric above the bed, as mentioned (HERE), let me know if you have ideas or suggestions. Wardrobes are in the process of being sorted (my fussiness means it is going to take a bit more time to sort out than planned, but more on that when they are sorted).

We still have some things that need to be done, as you can tell, but I feel so happy. After every purchase, every finished job and so on, I have found myself saying "We're half way there," and I am so filled with joy to say so. I feel a refreshed sense of positivity and optimism for this whole thing - it can get dampened slightly if you feel you are getting nowhere, which is why feeling "half way there," is such a big deal to me. Big smiles.

That is all that I have to tell you at this current moment in time. I hope that this post has been interesting and that you've been enjoying all my updates.
Are you moving house or refreshing any part of your house at the moment? Or are you maybe just playing with the idea? Do you like hearing my updates? Any suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
OK then, that leaves me with only one other thing to mention. I have recently gotten BlogLovin', and there is a button on the top right, so if you want to follow then please do, it would make my day!

I hope you have a great day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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