
Tuesday 1 April 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - March Summary.


Another month over, another Summary to write. And so, without further ado, here is my March Summary. I hope you enjoy.

Getting Work Done At The New House.

Back in February, we found out that we had a new house and so the last month has been dedicated to getting as much done as possible so we can move in ASAP. Getting things done is so rewarding as you can see results straight away. Plus, the more work we get done, the sooner we can decorate (!) and move in. YAY!
I would also like to mention the friends and family members who have been giving us a helping hand, as well as those who have even just offered to help. We are very grateful and it means lot.
We have conquered lots of tasks, but I am planning on doing an update post soon, so that you know what is going on.

To hear more about the kinds of things that we have done at the new house, click (HERE).

Doing Some Really Cool Stuff.

Throughout March, I spent my time doing some really cool stuff (or at least I think so). I spent my time doing a variety of things and it felt really nice to have things to look forward to. I know most of the stand-outs were big things, but the little things count towards my monthly stand-outs too.

To see a post about my busiest weekend in March, click (HERE).

Celebrating Mother's Day, Saint Patrick's Day and People's Birthdays.

During March, we had Saint Patrick's Day (which is always a nice day - this year filled with texts in Gaelic to and from my Uncle). We also had Mother's Day, which is such a great day, because Mom's are amazing and they deserve a day to relax and enjoy. I also celebrated H's birthday, amongst others. I didn't realise quite how behind I was on my blogging this month, because I missed writing posts for two family members birthdays - you know who you are, I'm sorry, and love you!

To see a post on Saint Patrick's Day and H's Birthday, click (HERE).

To see a post about Mother's Day, click (HERE).

Supporting Charities.

 During March, Sport Relief was broadcast, and I donated to them. It is such a good cause, and I was really touched by some of the stories shown (I only saw an hour or so of the show, as I was busy). One story in particular which touched me, was the story of an old man called Bob, who had reached out to a program called The Silver Line after his wife died.
I hope that you guys support, or will support charities like this in future, as they really are worth it.

To find a post I did about Sport Relief, click (HERE).
To find the Sport Relief website, click (HERE).
To find The Silver Line website, click (HERE).

Taking Time For The Little Things.

Some of the little things this month have really stood out to me. For example, getting as much out of my weekends as possible, watching movies on my laptop in bed on a rainy evening, and singing/humming songs everywhere under my breath.

For a post on my favourite things about weekends, click (HERE).
For a post on the kind of songs I have been humming and singing, click (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts Of March.

Might I suggest that you check out more posts from the blogs here that were produced this month, this selection was tough.

"Doing The Lennon" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

First of all, I love the amount of Beatles-ness going on here - the sunglasses and Charlotte's top. I also kinda want some of those glasses. I also love the simplicity of this post. It made me smile.

"Friday Round Up" on Made Up Of Little Things, (HERE).

I have always loved the Friday Round Up's on this blog since I first started reading it. I love how images are used in the Friday Round Up posts to make them more personal. I found this one sweet and loved all the Elbow references - I do love Elbow...

"Mama's Recipe" on Little Winter, (HERE).

I found this post quite interesting, and it also made me smile. It is quite rare to get a kind of foodie post, so this was a welcome change, and there is a real sense of fun to this post - I think it is the mother-daughter relationship shining through. Oh, and some of the pictures are quite amusing i.e apple for a nose...
Good stuff.

"Happy" on Chronicles Of The Red Herring, (HERE).

Short, sweet and very wise, just like most of the posts on this blog. I liked this post very much, and the message from it is something I believe in very strongly much. This was almost motivational to me, which can never be a bad thing, right?

"Five Favourites: March" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I thought this post was interesting, personal and I love the Five Favourites concept as it is very individual as well as making things stand out more. Rosie's favourite links from March were ones I hadn't read until she suggested them, but I did enjoy a few.

So, March, consider yourself wrapped up. I hope you enjoyed this post, everyone, I can't wait to post more this month.
What did you get up to last month? What were your favourite blog posts of March? Any suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will see you all very soon, and hopefully you will enjoy my April content.

Have a brilliant day/night!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Hi... so having a bad week and just caught up (only 3 behind) and my week can only get better after reading yr blog.. with a big smile on my face and a warm heart I can honestly sa I am lucky to hav a niece like you and will give mommy the message.. nite gingersnaps.. u r soooo cool, thanks for cheering me up xxx

    1. Sorry to hear you're having a bad week honey, but I'm so glad that my blog cheered you up! It makes me so happy to think that what I write makes people happy. Thanks for your lovely comment. GingerSnaps xxx

  2. thanks for the shout out ginger snaps xx :) :P

    1. That's quite alright! You deserve it, you write good stuff! GingerSnaps xxx
