
Thursday 1 May 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - April Summary.


Can you believe that it is May already? May is a lovely month, though - Bank Holiday Monday, anyone? So, I have a load of April bits and bobs to share with you today, and so I think I should probs just get on with this.

Going Out With Friends/Family.

I've been out and about with my friends and family a few times this month, and I have really enjoyed it. Not only have I had things to look forward to, but I've got to spend time with people and enjoy myself.
I went to see the Miranda Hart "My, What I Call, Live Show" tour with Elf Girl (I got her a ticket as a Christmas present last year) and my Auntie S and I know I had a really great time, and the others did too I think. It was sooooo funny and just a great experience on the whole, especially for ultimate Miranda fans like us lot!
I went to go and see Another Country at the Trafalgar Studios with my Mom as part of a day in London together. The show was great and the rest of the day was too. We went to the National Portrait Gallery and ate cupcakes in a tiny store in Covent Garden we found recently. I had a very nice, calm day.
I also went to see "Dance Til Dawn", a dance show starring Vincent and Flavia off of Strictly Come Dancing. I went with my Mom, Nan and Auntie S - love a family night out! - as we'd been to see their "Midnight Tango" show before and thought this one would be worth watching. It was amazing! Seriously, a jazz-age-themed dance fest with amazing ensemble, stars and staging = yeah!

Right, lot of links here.

To find Elf Girl and her blogs, I have linked her Blogger profile, (HERE).
To see mentions of my Auntie S and my Mom, see (HERE) and (HERE).

For my review of Another Country, see (HERE).

For links to Miranda's work and Vincent and Flavia's work, see (HERE) and (HERE).

For links to the National Portrait Gallery, see (HERE).

Getting More Work Done On The New House.

Yes, I know this has featured in a lot of monthly summaries lately, but it is a big part of my life right now.
We have made progress which I, personally, am happy with, and we are set to make more progress in the next few weeks.

Go us!

To find out about some recent progress with the house, head on over (HERE).

Easter and Easter Celebrations.

Obviously, Easter happened last month.

I like Easter a lot and always have fun during the celebrations. The more "interesting" parts of the day included the way I dressed myself up, making mini egg Rocky Road and having lunch with my family. It was a good day, which was rounded off by eating an Easter egg and watching TV.
To see a post about Easter that I wrote, go (HERE).

Enjoying Little Things/Occasions.

This month, I shared what my "wild" lifestyle/night life is like - basically it ideally involves movies, a bit of a pamper and sleep. But, I don't mind that. I think everyone, even if secretly, enjoys staying in and doing nothings which make them happy and relaxed.

I also shared my thoughts on the annual Oxford V Cambridge boat race. It's a little bit of my life that swings round every year and that I think is a great tradition. All very good stuff... especially since Oxford won!!!

To see my post on my Sunday night plans, see (HERE).

To see my post on the Boat Race, go (HERE). 

Getting Blog Admin Done!

Yes, April was the month I finally set up BlogLovin' (feel free to click the follow button on the top right!) which is something I had wanted to do since the end of Google Friend Connect when I first set up my blog in June last year! So, go me for organisation!

I also got lots of reading/writing done in April, which can never be a bad thing!

To see my necessary BlogLovin' code post, see (HERE). 

My Favourite Blog Posts Of April.

In no particular order...

"A Day In Harrogate" on Made Up Of Little Things, (HERE).

I love a good lifestyle post, and this was fun, interesting and a great insight into Rachael and her little family. It was a very sweet, well photographed post which made me smile. I also liked the personal details added.

"Living With A Blogger" on Little Winter, (HERE).

When reading this post, I found myself sitting there and saying loudly - to myself - "Oh my gosh, I do that!" and "Oh my gosh, that's me!".
If you are any kind of blogger or just have those kinds of traits, you will find this very funny (at least in parts) and almost a reality check - but it's all part of the job, right?

"Details" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

I liked this post, as it was like an insight into a bit of Charlotte's mind, and posts like this can spur on new interests, for example it gave me ideas for my trip to London as well as drawing my attention to Kate Spade - as long as my bank account doesn't also get drawn to it all, we'll be OK!

Sending happy thought your way for the future Charlotte, needed because (THIS). It can only get better.

"Review: Teens Titans Go!" on Chronicles Of The Red Herring, (HERE).

If you are a bit of a nerd like me, and want an honest opinion on the remake of the classic Teen Titans, then head on over to this post. It was actually a good review, even though it was on the more negative side, because I always prefer an honest opinion.

"Happy Days 03" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I like to see what makes people happy, and to get some positive energy going through the blogging community. It is always good to see what little things make other people smile, and spread the happiness.

Ta Dah! I think that's all for today. I hope you have enjoyed this post, and that April was good to you!
Did you like this post? What did you get up to in April? Anything similar to me? What do you think of what I did? Any questions, thoughts or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Let's see what blogging brings in May! I hope you all enjoy this month of posts.

Have an awesome day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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