
Thursday 22 May 2014

I've Been Thinking... - "Chelsea, Chelsea I Believe..."


How are you lovely people? I wanted to talk to you today about all things flowers, plants and gardening - bit of a new one for me!

So, this week is the week of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
If you don't know what kind of things go on at Chelsea, then head on over (HERE) for some information. In short, it is a giant, annual flower/garden event. Designers and their teams create gorgeous gardens, those who grow plants and flowers show off their works, all the while competing to win awards. Oh, and celebrities and members of the public can all go and view them (if they own tickets booked highly in advance).

I have been watching the daily highlight shows on the BBC throughout the week and so far, I have been amazed by just how high the standard is this year. Lots of the gardens are very up my street and I love seeing the variations of flowers in the pavilion.

I thought that I might include a list of favourites from the show so far (in no particular order)...

  • The M&G Show Garden designed by Cleve West, (HERE).
  • RBC Waterscape Garden by Hugo Bugg, (HERE).
  • Togenkyo – A Paradise on Earth by Kazuyuki Ishihara, (HERE).
  • The DialAFlight Potter’s Garden by Nature Redesigned, (HERE).
  • The Birmingham City Council garden (no name found), (HERE).
  • Vital Earth, The Night Sky Garden, by Harry and David Rich, (HERE).

Some of those are really stunning so do have a butchers.

There is also a link to the Great Pavilion flower/plant exhibitors, (HERE).

I would very much like to congratulate everyone involved with the Flower Show this year for their wonderful works and creations.

I also hope everyone who attends the show this year (including my Auntie S and my Nan) enjoys themselves thoroughly.

I hope that you have enjoyed this post, and the lovers of all things horticultural have enjoyed this. Do have a look at all the links, some of them are crackers.
Have you been following the Chelsea Flower Show? What are your favourites? Are you going/have you been to the show? Did you enjoy this post? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? As always, you can tell me in the comments and have a chat with me.
Thank you very much for reading, see you soon!

Have an utterly fabulous day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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