
Tuesday 15 July 2014

I've Been Thinking... - Things That Have Made Me Smile Lately...


Hello there! How are you? Good I hope. There's been a few things that have made me smile recently, and I just thought it might be nice for me to share and maybe make you smile too.


Things That Have Made Me Smile Lately...
  1.  Finding Easter Eggs that I thought I had already eaten in my kitchen cupboards at home. It made me smile because I got the gifts again in a way, and I really like chocolate.
  2. Raiding the draw full of Sharpie's (HERE), at work the other week - it was all above board, it was decided we needed to do a Sharpie clear-out (there were two very deep drawers full...). It made me smile because we all turned into little kids over the pretty colours and it made everyone smile.
  3. The Chocolate Trolley (a selection of free chocolate for everyone to enjoy) at work a few Fridays ago. It made me smile because it made everyone happy and I like chocolate buttons a lot. Especially when they are free. This isn't just a post about chocolate... promise.

  4. Doing Prom makeup for a family friend. It made me smile because she was really pleased with it, had a lovely prom, and looked beautiful (as always).
  5. Eating Eggs and Soldiers with my Mom at the weekend. One of the children in the school my Mom works at brought them in for her, his Grandad owns chickens and he goes with his Grandad to collect them and they sing nursery rhymes as they do. This made me smile as the story behind the eggs made me all warm inside, and the food itself reminded me of when I was very little.

  6. The beautiful flowers in the garden at my Nan's house. This made me smile because I love flowers (as does my Nan) and they look and smell gorgeous.

  7. The thunder storm that happened in my neighbourhood over last weekend. This made me smile because I ran outside into the rain and it was really strong and it was an awesome storm to be in. It reminded me of the weather in Northern Ireland a number of years ago now, and Northern Ireland is one of, if not the most special place to me.
  8. Watching Mary Poppins and eating chocolate digestives. This made me smile because I love the film very, very much (its one of my favourites), I love Disney films, I love singing all the songs (regrettably I'm not the best singer) and the biscuits were very yummy.
  9. Watching Sunshine on Leith. This made me smile because it is another one of my favourite films, I love it, I love The Proclaimers (and their songs are the soundtrack) and it made me feel very happy!
  10. Getting my nails done at a nail bar. This made me smile because the colour was lovely, the design on the accent nail was lovely and, as I always do my nails myself, I felt very special having them done for me.
    (Excuse the chipped polish in the photo below) 

  11. Seeing fairy lights in a shopping trolley at work. This made me smile as it seemed so peculiar and yet it looked so pretty. I should point out that it was in the creative department, not in the lobby or anything...
  12. Purchasing Ben & Jerry's (HERE) Strawberry Shortcake Frozen Yogurt. This made me smile because, although I haven't tried any yet, its nice to know its in the freezer, it looks so yummy and it reminded me of the time a few years ago where I literally just ate Ben & Jerry's...

  13. Watching Big Brother. This made me smile because, as uncultured as some people find such programs, I love Big Brother and this series is good.

  14. Going to see Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolfe at the Malvern Theatre (HERE) on Wednesday night. This made me smile because it was a great production and I had a wonderful evening! 
  15. Eating miniature sticks of rock (like the ones from the seaside). This made me smile because it reminded me of holidays at the beach and because I love the colours too.
That's that for today then, hope you've enjoyed! I like writing posts like these because I can revisit things and get all smiley again!
What has been making you smile recently? Did this post make you smile? Do you have any suggestions or ideas for future posts? Maybe you have comment  on this one? Let me know in the comments below.
Speak soon lovely people.

Have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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