
Tuesday 1 July 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - June Summary.


Welcome back, guys. Are you having a good day? Hope so. Anyway, yet another month over (where is time going?!) so another summary for you to read and possibly even enjoy.

I've had an enjoyable June this year and thought I'd share.

The World Cup's beginnings.

Yeah, even though we got knocked out before we'ven finished all our matches...
I love the sense of community that the World Cup brings to everyone and the way it allows us to show talents.
While some players made very silly mistakes (biting is not cool, OK?), I believe that everyone has done themselves proud so far, overall.
I'm looking forward to what the finishing stages bring.

To see my post on the World Cup, head on over (HERE).

Celebrating people's birthdays.

As you might know, Lauren 's birthday was this month and it was lovely to get to spend it with her and all of our friends.
I hope she had a lovely day, likes the gifts and cards everyone have her and enjoyed the extended celebrations (more on that later...)

To see a post about Lauren 's birthday, go (HERE).

Going out to spend time with friends.

This one is a kind of branch from Lauren 's birthday, so thanks to her.
A big group of us went out the other day to eat Nandos (it's the spiritual home of our friends, apparently, hehe) and watch The Fault in Our Stars.
Elf Girl and I went into (what we shall call) town early to shop (including giving money to a busker who we weren't convinced was singing in English - he was - and being nerds in Waterstones) and bumped into other people from the group and went around with them for a while before meeting the others to eat chicken (or the Beanie selection for Elf Girl) and get overly emotional in the cinema.

I had a great time and it was a standout of June for me.

Links to the last time we went to Nando's, go (HERE).

Links to Lauren are (HERE).

Links to Elf Girl, (HERE) and (HERE).

Keep an eye out for a potential "Oh My Life!" on this.

Celebrating the first birthday of my blog!!!

My little blog turned one this month and I couldn't be happier about that.

I'm so proud of this blog and I love all of the people who read it, comment on it and who follow it.

I'm very excited to see what happens on this slice of the internet, and I hope you'll stick around and see.

To see the celebratory post, mosey on over (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts Of June.

"Pink-Slippered Smudgeness" on Charlotte 's Web, (HERE)

It loved this post.
The poem ("Pink-Slippered Smudgeness") itself is beautiful and all of Charlotte 's notes on love are very open. Also, her housemates sound awesome.
Lovely post.

"Life Lately, another catchup" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE)

This post had a bit of everything and was a great post.
The photography was good and the bits and pieces of wedding updates were interesting.
I enjoyed this one much my.

"The Lazy Day" on Little Winter, (HERE)

I myself am a massive fan of lazy days, probably because I'm a bit of a lazy person, so this post was right up my street.
I liked the friendliness of this post and the pictures in it.
Good read.

"Friday Round Up" on Made Up Of Little Things, (HERE)

I love the Friday Round Up's on Made Up Of Little.Things and this one was a good'un.
The story about the notebooks in TKMaxx was one I found very amusing (probably shouldn't have, but hey!) and it just made me smile.

"Poems" on Chronicles of the Red Herring, (HERE)

One of the many fabulous things you can find on this blog is poetry. There is a very cool selection of poems in this post and so you can get a bit of scope about the writing style.
A unique kind of post.

"The See-Saw Handhold" on The London Project, (HERE)

I do like this photograph very much and the short and sweet qualities of this post let it stand out.
It was a nice, unusual post with a good photographic content.

Hope you enjoyed this post guys. I look forward to posting during July and seeing what happens with my posts.
What did you get up during June? Anything similar to me? What do you think of what I did? Any questions/comments/suggestions? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon!

Have a fantastic day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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