
Monday 30 June 2014

Congratulations! - Blogging Milestones - Happy 1st Birthday Blog!


How are we all today? I for one am mildly over excited because of today's post. In case you are a bit of a silly so and so and didn't read the title, my blog turned one this month.

My blog turned one year old on the 3rd of June (so some might say this post is belated but, umm, no) and I have a lot to say (this will probs be a bit cheesy!).

I started my blog just over a year ago with high hopes. In my first post, (HERE), I spoke of how a blog I had set up with a friend previously didn't work out and how I wanted A Dash Of Ginger to become a "constant creative space". I also set out the kinds of posts I wanted to write.

I proof read that first post into oblivion and checked with everyone within a kilometre radius that it was a good first post and what have you. Despite all this, I didn't feel nervous, more anticipation and curiosity for how this would all pan out.

One year on, here I am, typing up what will be my 88th post, feeling so many things on such high levels.

For every single one of the 2920 page views I have received so far, I am so incredibly grateful. You, my wonderful readers, make me so happy _
- even if this is the first post you have read on my blog. It makes me so happy to think that so many people from so many countries enjoy the things I write in my living room at home.

For the comments and follows, whether they be from people I know or not, I am very thankful. Again, it means a great deal to consider that people want to communicate with me about what I write and/or that people value what I write to the extent where they're seeking updates of my written activity.

 (I am fully aware that some people don't have the accounts in place to comment or follow - that was once me - but I still their support and readership).

You have no idea the pride I feel when I tell someone about my blog, or when someone tells me they liked one of my posts. You have no idea the pride I feel when I stop to "take a picture for my blog" - even though I seldom use them - or when I say "I'll put this in a post". You have no idea the pride I feel when I finish a post and hit publish.

The whole "pride" thing might come across self absorbed but I promise you it is not. I feel pride not just in "myself" but also in the fact that I have a bunch of lovely readers  who make all of these things possible.

I began my blog for a number of reasons but now I blog for even more reasons. I love how I have been able to watch my blog develop over this year.

I look forward to creating more content here and to seeing A Dash Of Ginger grow.  My readership and following might not be colossal but it means more to me to have you guys than millions of numbers on BlogLovin' ever could.

Who knows what this next year will bring this blog and its writer and readers? One thing's for sure, though, I would love you to stick around and find out with me.

So, here's to A Dash Of Ginger turning one and all the wonderful things that have come with it and will come from it.
I'll finish this in the way I finished my first post - I hope that you enjoy this little blog as much as I do/will.

P.S: feel free to have a look through the archives on the right as a celebration (I might)... but after you've read this of course.

I really hope that you have enjoyed this post, everyone. I love you guys so much and I can't wait to post more for you!
Any birthday messages for the blog? How long have you been a reader? What is your favourite post/type of post I have written? Do you have any suggestions or ideas for this blog or things you'd like to see? Anything else to say? Let me know in the comments. 
Thank you kindly for reading. 

Have a spectacular day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Happy happy birthday ginger dasher

    1. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes and for reading my blog! GingerSnaps xxx
