
Tuesday 3 June 2014

It's Showtime!!! - Theatre Review - Quietly.


How are you gorgeous people? I hope that you are all doing good. I have a theatre review for you to (hopefully) enjoy today and even if I do say so myself, it is a corker.

We booked tickets for the preview of Quietly last Tuesday a while back - we wanted to guarantee tickets! - and so spent the afternoon in London shopping in Covent Garden, eating cupcakes at the BB Bakery and walking through Chinatown. We got to the theatre early so sat in the bar for a while, which was nice.

Before I begin, I just want to say that it might seem like I think every show is brilliant and worth a viewing. However, this isn't the case. I would never tell you to go and see something that I didn't think was worth your time or hard earned cash. There will be times when I tell you not to go and see something, as well as times when I say you *have* to go and see something (like today). These reviews contain my 100% honest opinion and just because something isn't my thing, doesn't mean it won't be yours, these reviews are for advice only.

What's it about?

Jimmy and Ian are Belfast men in their 50's, in a pub, talking.
Both have their lives have been shaped by the actions of their 16 year old selves and neither one is able to forget what happened to them during the Troubles in their home city. With Robert, the barman from Poland (who has problems himself), watching from the side-lines, they try and dig through the mess they made all those years ago.

What did I think?

I absolutely, completely loved it!
Seriously, I believe that this is one of the best plays that I have ever seen, and is right up there in the favourites list.

This play is truly deep, interesting, substantial, humorous (in places) and filled with a sense of truth and emotion all at the same time- something rare and to be savoured.

The writing was just, simply wonderful. Owen McCafferty - the playwright - managed to create something that felt real, something that was highly emotionally substantial and made me feel truly involved as an audience member.
Quietly is an excellent piece of writing.

Patrick O'Kane took on the role of Jimmy. He acted very, very well, and even in silence, he maintained his characters emotions. I really connected with the role that he was portraying and I believe he really brought the role into the "real" world. His acting was powerful and focused on the world he was acting a part of.

Ian was played by Declan Conlon. He created a very convincing range of emotions within his performance and he seemed very involved with his character. Conlon sustained his emotive technique, which really blended nicely with O'Kane, making both of their characters convincing.

Robert Zawadzki played... Robert, who despite having less dialogue than the others, managed to give a real sense of tension and atmosphere, even in his characters observations of the two men. His actual spoken performance was great and he brought depth to his character and their situation.

The staging and all the additionals (costume/sets/etc.) were of a very high standard too.

The entire thing was deeply moving - I think everyone in the room cried at some stage! - and it was of excellent quality.

What did other people think?

Like I mentioned above, pretty much everyone cried at some stage, and everyone laughed at the funny bits and seemed to love it.  

I did some eavesdropping and everyone seemed to enjoy it, everyone seemed to be discussing/considering all of ideas and points raised throughout and I think that it really spoke to everyone.

Would I recommend it?

100% yes, as if you couldn't tell from my gushing about it!

I think that Quietly is well worth a view if you get a chance - you should make a chance, really - and that you will enjoy it very much if you do go.

When can you go and see it?

Quietly is on at the Soho Theatre, Dean Street, in Soho in London. It is, as far as I know, running until the 22nd of June 2014 there.

The final notes...

  • The bar of the theatre is often very busy, but is a nice place to hang around before your show. They also make announcements as to when you can go to your seats clearly - helpful when no late comers are allowed!
  • If you do go, enjoy it, dress smart casually and buy a programme (they have information on the cast and creative team, but they also have the text/script of the play inside them!)
  • You'll be able to get a good view wherever you sit, I think, so don't worry too much the very front row is full! Its still worth it!
  • Consider taking tissues if you go!

That is a wrap! I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that it has been interesting for you to read! Have you seen Quietly? If so, then thoughts on it? If not, would you like to? Did you enjoy this review? Any questions or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments. I love hearing from you guys.
I will see you all tomorrow, I suppose, for my summary of this month. It has gone very fast - its such a cliché but it is true. So, yeah, see you soon.

Have a wonderful day/night!

GingerSnaps xxx

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