
Thursday 12 June 2014

He Shoots, He Scores!!! - FIFA World Cup 2014 - It All Starts Here...


Today, in case you live under a rock and need telling, is the start of the FIFA World Cup. Now, I don't know about you, but I absolutely love the World Cup and I fancied a chat about it today.

Brazil is hosting the World Cup this year and from what I can see, its going to be a brilliant one this year.

I love the World Cup for a number of reasons.
I love football anyway but the World Cup is always special because its such a big deal and it brings everyone together.
I am very, very over excited about the competition this year - the last World Cup seems so long ago - and have a little England top ready and everything.

I'm obviously supporting England this year but if you're from somewhere else or are just supporting somewhere else from the start, let me know who as I'll be watching all the matches and will watch out for your teams!

So here's to the World Cup, good luck to all (especially England - go on lads. Hehe) and I hope everyone enjoys!

(HERE) is a link to the World Cup website.

That's all then for today everyone. I hope that you enjoy the opening ceremony/match tonight if you are watching and if not then I hope you have a nice evening anyway.
Are you watching tonight? Who are you supporting? What did you think of the opening ceremony? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will speak to you all soon, guys.

Have a totally fantastic day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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