
Thursday 31 July 2014

Oh My Life! - Tales Of My Life and Times - My Birthday, Chicken, Photo Booths, Awesome Gifts and Cards and Cake... Lots of Cake.


So, as some of you will know, my birthday was last Thursday and I thought that I would share with you all the wonderful things that I did.

I just want to make everyone aware of the fact that I do know how lucky I am to have family and friends like I do and who can/do treat me on my birthday. I am in no way posting this to make others feel bad or to flaunt how lucky I am, it is just because I like to give you guys an insight into my life and thought that this kind of post might be of interest as its the kind of post I enjoy reading. I hope you enjoy and we are all on the same page as to my appreciation.

My celebrations began on the Friday before last, when I spent my afternoon with Elf Girl (HERE), opening my birthday presents from her early.
She got me such wonderful things, all of which I love, and I'm really grateful to have such a brilliant best friend.
We proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon eating Pot Noodles and discussing Oasis, singing Disney songs, Paint (HERE) songs and Bowling for Soup - otherwise known as our skill set in a nutshell.
These are always such brilliant times.

My "celebration" celebrations began last Sunday, when my friends and I all went out to Nando's (that place is like our mother-ship, and you can find it HERE) to eat our usual (definitely the mother-ship) chicken burgers - beanie burger for Elf Girl - and chips with Peri-Peri salt and Extra Hot, Hot Sauce.
My friends (including Lauren - HERE - and H - HERE) gave me some lovely cards and presents, we all took far too many selfies and sneaky off-guard shots, posed for group photos and hugged lots.
Later on in the evening, after one of our friends, Z, had left and after we'd nipped to the loo's, we found a Photo Booth and jumped in (there were only 4 of us but it was a bit of a squeeze since it was an ID Photo Booth for passports...) and took a photo from the set each (because it was the same photo printed 4 times). We then went in in pairs and me and Elf Girl went all 2.0 on the pictures we did at Morrison's last year (HERE).
Then the others left and myself and Elf Girl stayed outside for a while, singing a very poor rendition of Copacabana (HERE) and rolling down a hill... We are such children it is untrue.

Thanks to all of my lovely friends for an awesome evening out and for the cards and gifts. I'm very fortunate to have them.

Then, it was left until my actual birthday to celebrate. I got up in the morning and opened some bits and pieces from my parents and opened all the cards that were sent through the post or dropped at the house by the sender. 
My parents truly spoilt me with a pair of Docs (Dr Martens - HERE) which I have wanted since forever as well as a load of other wonderful things - thank you!
My cards are really beautiful, with lovely sentiments, details and colours. Elf Girl got me a Moon Pig (HERE) card which looked like a cover of Vogue and had all of our inside jokes as the surrounding article names which was cool. 
My Mom and I went out in the morning and had some lunch from Pret (HERE) and then headed off to get ready. I sat and did my face/hair/nails while watching some of my reality TV guilty pleasures and then I got dressed up to go and have a meal with the family at my Nan's house.

I wore an Ombre, white and blue, dipped hem dress and my new Docs, wore my hair curled and used some Soap and Glory (HERE) makeup - which Lauren got me for my birthday - creating a white and blue eye with a nude lip.

I went to my Nan's house and met up with all of our family for curry, presents, cakes (I had three...)and photos.
The food was delicious, the (mainly juice based) Bucks Fizz was a treat and a half, the presents I was given were absolutely amazing and I had such a wonderful time.
I also liked spending time getting a couple of family photos with everyone dressed up and I just really enjoyed myself. I feel like a good time was had by all, even though we were fit to burst upon going home.

Thank you to all of my family for the wonderful day and for my gifts and cards. I'm very lucky to have such a brilliant family and very lovely things.

The final celebration was going to Belton House (HERE) with Auntie S (HERE) for a day out, a catch up and some library envy. Would deffo recommend for a visit.

I had a great time - thanks S!

That's it for today then, and I guess for this month. I'll see you tomorrow for my July Summary - it should be a good un'.
When's your birthday? What do you think about what I got up to? What is your favourite part about birthdays? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading.

Have a very happy day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. You are very welcome... great day.. very funny...way too much picnic though -:) xxxx

    1. Thanks for the lovely comments, the picnic was a tad excessive but I had a wonderful day. GingerSnaps xxx

  2. im glad u had a gr8 birthday
