
Saturday 2 August 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - July Summary.


Another month, another summary. I have no idea where the time is going because apparently, we're already on August. Can someone please explain to me what is happening here? Is it the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff? If you got that reference, then go you!

Beginning to Move Our Stuff To The New House.

So, after such a long time of perfecting the house, we've finally started moving our things in a transit van and now have an actual sofa in the new house (as opposed to a row of garden chairs) and have put clothes into the wardrobes IKEA delivered and assembled as well as making the beds. It's all coming together and there is only one room to complete now and some more pieces to move.

Exciting times, especially considering that I can near enough guarantee we'll be moving this month!

To see all of my posts about moving house, (HERE), (HERE), (HERE) and (HERE).

Enjoying Going Out and Spending Time In The Sunshine.

Something I have no corresponding posts to link up with is spending time in the sun. And I don't mean sunbathing - I'm ginger, therefore pale, therefore no.

No, what I mean is spending time doing things, going to interesting places and in turn, enjoying the sunshine. 

It's been nice to get out and do things which are a bit different and a lot of fun,

The Commonwealth Games

Aah, the Commonwealth Games, which are wrapping up as we speak. 

The Opening Ceremony was fabulous as were all of the sporting events.

I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to see so many athletes from so many diverse countries participate in sport and cheering on my favourite althetes. 

It has been great.

To see my post about the Commonwealth Games, mosey on over (HERE).

My Birthday and Celebrations.

So, as you may or may not know, my birthday was last Thursday and I spent quite a bit of time celebrating with all of my wonderful friends and family.

I enjoyed myself a lot and  I recived some lovely things.

It was brilliant.

I had such an amazing time and I'd like to say a massive thanks to everyone for that.

To see the post I wrote about my birthday and celebrations, click (HERE).

Lots of Lovely Little Things.

As you know, I am always one for the little things and I find nothing better than feeling happy.

In July, I spent time enjoying a lot of lovely simple things which made me so, so happy. 

I think we should all spend a bit more time appreciating how sometimes even just some eggs and toast can lift your mood.

To see my post about some of the things that made me smile, click (HERE).

My Favourite Blog Posts Of July.

"Yarn Bomb Pics!!!" on Chronicles of the Red Herring, (HERE).

Elf Girl got her photography skills out here and took some great photos of the time earlier this month that our neighbourhood got yarn bombed (she explains the terms in her post). 

I found this fun, interesting and unique.

"We did: An Indoor Fort" on Little Winter, (HERE).

I love quirky little things like this and since forts were a massive childhood fave, I really like this post.

It's nice to see something alternative on a blog like this.

"A Seaside Weekend with Friends, and a Video" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I liked this post because of it's friendly feel and because it showed off some of the delights found near Rosie's home.

It's also nice to have a video to accompany the writing as it added something else to the post and made it more interesting.

"Cuckoo Clocks & Late Night Kisses" on Charlotte 's Web, (HERE)

I love when Charlotte writes like this.

It's funny, it's sweet, it's endearing and the ending is adorable. It's great and you should read it, too.

"Lead the Way" on The London Project, (HERE).

It's a good set of photographs that look great.

It's unique and interesting and one for the creative amongst you.

"Friday Round Up" on Made Up Of Little Things, (HERE).

This post is a very "real" post, as it truly is just a life update.

This post takes the good with the bad and pinch of salt, and that is appealing as it connects a lot with you. It's more a conversation than a presentation.

"What Olivia Cooked: Salted Caramel Popcorn" on What Olivia Did, (HERE)

I actually discovered What Olivia Did this morning, not last month, but this recipe looks so good that I had to share. I've been having a wee butchers at some previous posts and I like what I see.

This blog could become a new addition  to the reading list and the popcorn could become a fave of mine soon.

So, that's all for today then, I hop you have enjoyed. I look forward to getting back on the blogging bus this month and posting more, I hope you are too. 
Did you enjoy July? What were your highlights? What do you think of mine? Did you enjoy this post? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you all soon for a lot more posts.

Have the most wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. Had to tell elf girl I love the yarn bombs... xx

    1. Hehe, I'm sure that will make her smile! Thanks for reading an commenting. GingerSnaps xxx
