
Friday 31 October 2014

Spookly Dookly - HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2014!


I'm having to type this up on my phone, so the joys of centralised text won't be found nor will underlining, but I really wanted to do a Halloween post for you, so here it is! And I will update this with the "cortect features" as and when I can. (Note: this post has now been updated.)

Halloween isn't all spooky, scary things - it's a very fun time.

Dressing up is something many people enjoy, myself included, as well as pumpkin carving, watching movies and answering the door to Trick or Treat-er's. 

Halloween provides a lot of fun activities and experiences for families and friends and I think that this should be valued.

It can be an enjoyable night and I hope that you have enjoyed it and stayed safe!

I hope that you liked this post and I will see you all tomorrow for a bit of November-ness.
Are you doing anything for Halloween? What did you dress up as? What is your favourite part of Halloween? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments!
See you all soon! 

Have a brilliant day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Friday 17 October 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Stand Up To Cancer


How are all of you gorgeous people? I hope that you are all doing good. Today, I wanted to chat to you about Stand Up To Cancer.

It is unfortunately a very true and real thing that almost everyone knows somebody who is or has been affected by cancer.

Stand Up To Cancer aims to find a cure for all cancers, which I think is brilliant as some types of cancer are less publicised as they are so rare.

Stand Up To Cancer is offering us an all star line up (including Celeebrity Gogglebox with all of my most favourite celebrities - not even joking they actually all are, Noel Gallagher, Kate Moss, Miranda Hart, need I go on? - and my usual favourites as well!!!) in order to appeal to you.

If you are in a position where you are able to donate and would like to, then please give whatever you can - it is a brilliant cause!

If you would like to check out the website then head on over (HERE).

I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that if you can you will donate.
Are you watching tonight? What part of the show are you looking forward to? Will you be donating? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon everyone!

Have an awesome day!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 12 October 2014

I've Been Thinking... - SSE, You've Done Yourselves Proud...


Today's post is an advertising appreciation post - you guys know what I am like for a good advert. My choice for today is a new advert from SSE/Southern Electric.

I saw this advert recently and fell in love with it.
It is beautiful and has a feeling of "magic" throughout it which probably has something to do with the stunningly animated orangutan discovering all of the awesome things that "energy provides" and the sense of wonderment that is reflected in everything.
The attempt to get onto the escalators, the adoration for film and light bulbs and all of the other details are a real reminder of just how lucky we all are to have such an amazing world around us. The music that it has been set with is one of my favourite songs, fits beautifully and again provides and appreciation for somehow not constantly looking forward but sometimes enjoying what we already have and have had more.

If you would like to watch this absolutely gorgeous advert, then click (HERE).

That is all for today - I hope that you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Do you like the advert? Do you agree with what I think about the advert? Do you like this kind of post? Have you got any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon.

Have the most amazing day!!!

GingerSnaps xxx

Sunday 5 October 2014

So, To Sum It All Up - September Summary.


I must say that October beginning really excites me. I can finally get back into blogging on a noticeable scale - three posts in one month is just not acceptable of me, is it? - and I have lots of exciting things going on, too.

This summary might be a bit short, as some events in September are not going to be broadcast here and I have very few posts. I know I keep saying this but I am sorry that in recent months I have let you guys down. I will do 100% better this month (not that that will be difficult...).

Anyways, we shall get on with this summary and I hope very much that you enjoy it.

The Return Of Strictly Come Dancing.

Strictly. I love it, as I am sure you know by now. The return of Strictly has really made me quite happy this September and I must say that I am loving the line up and their talent (bar one or two people *cough* Scott Mills *cough*).

It really is lovely to have it back and I look forward to more weekend evenings in front of the tellybox watching it!

To see the post I did about Strictly Come Dancing's return, take a wander over (HERE).

A Wonderful Day Out at Charlecote Park.

I (even though I am the most incredibly indecisive person on the planet) can safely say that Charlecote Park is one of my favourite places. It is so beautiful and I had a really wonderful day out there with my lovely Mom a weekend or so ago.

We had a big walk around the grounds - the Deer Sanctuary was open which was wonderful - and we had a walk around some of the out buildings. We also stopped for tea and cake and dawdled around the garden shop type thing, too.

It was a wonderful day and I really enjoyed myself - thanks to my Mom for coming with me.

To find Charlecote Park, click (HERE).

To see a post where my Mom is mentioned, click (HERE).

Seeing Family and Friends.

I have, throughout September, been spending a lot of time with family and friends.

Life events (which I am not here to ramble on about) have played a huge part in this, as has making a bit more of an effort (the latter I really should do more...).

I love all of my family and all of my friends and no matter why we spend time together, I want them to know that I really appreciate them and what they do.

My Favourite Blog Posts From September.

"Recent Memories" on A Rosie Outlook, (HERE).

I did enjoy this post, and I enjoyed the style of it. It was a very relaxed kind of summary and it felt like a catch up more than a blog post.

Very nice.

"Seven Henrietta Street" on Charlotte's Web, (HERE).

I love Charlotte's posts and how honest and charming they are. I really liked all the quirky details and the quotes from the Kate Spade book she has been reading, which seemed very carefully chosen.

"We liked: Our Friends Wedding" on Little Winter, (HERE).

This post really made me smile and made me chuckle, too.

Katy's antics at the wedding were amusing and she deserves life points for them - lets just say that a wedding that Katy is at will never be a boring one!

"Abbey Road" on The London Project, (HERE).

As a very big fan of The Beatles, I love seeing people's pictures from Abbey Road, as well as people's pictures of the wall (where an abundance of words and song lyrics have been written). Some great photography and nostalgia.

"Leopard Print Camper Van" on What Olivia Did, (HERE).

Firstly, if you know me, you will know of my incredible love of Camper Vans and the photography of them is probably, if I am honest, around 70% of the reason I chose this post.
Also, this outfit is nice and the poses are fun.

So, October, here's to you - you will be a month of travelling with friends, travelling with family, baking, Halloween/dressing up and knitwear!
What did you get up to in September? What do you think of what I got up to? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon!

Have a totally, completely awesome day!

GingerSnaps xxx