
Sunday 12 October 2014

I've Been Thinking... - SSE, You've Done Yourselves Proud...


Today's post is an advertising appreciation post - you guys know what I am like for a good advert. My choice for today is a new advert from SSE/Southern Electric.

I saw this advert recently and fell in love with it.
It is beautiful and has a feeling of "magic" throughout it which probably has something to do with the stunningly animated orangutan discovering all of the awesome things that "energy provides" and the sense of wonderment that is reflected in everything.
The attempt to get onto the escalators, the adoration for film and light bulbs and all of the other details are a real reminder of just how lucky we all are to have such an amazing world around us. The music that it has been set with is one of my favourite songs, fits beautifully and again provides and appreciation for somehow not constantly looking forward but sometimes enjoying what we already have and have had more.

If you would like to watch this absolutely gorgeous advert, then click (HERE).

That is all for today - I hope that you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Do you like the advert? Do you agree with what I think about the advert? Do you like this kind of post? Have you got any ideas or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
See you soon.

Have the most amazing day!!!

GingerSnaps xxx

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