
Monday 26 October 2015

Spookly Dookly - Halloween - Last Minute Essentials and Ideas.


Good morning everyone! I hope you're all having a good week so far! Today is a bit of a Halloween post and its one for those amongst you who haven't quite organised themselves yet.

I know the struggle. You spend the whole of October planning just how awesome your Halloween costume is going to be or trying to think of ideas and then, before you know it, you've run out of time and it's October 30th - or October 31st (it happens to the best of us) - and you're running around the shops like a headless chicken and throwing clothes around your bedroom trying to find a way of making them Halloween-y. There is a plus side, however, to me having been so horrendously badly organised for many years and that is that I can help you. I know what you need to do to salvage some of the awesome you had planned. Need my advice? Keep reading.

Advice for the "I know what I want to be - I just haven't sorted it out" people.
  1. Write down a quick list of things that you would like to have for your costume and makeup.
  2. Look around to see if there is anything you already own that you could use - old costumes, dresses that would look good with a cape, any makeup you already have that could be used to make you look spooky. Is there anything you could give the DIY treatment to?
  3. Head down to your local supermarket, pound shop or maybe a fancy dress store (if there is one near you) and see what you can find. Charity shops can also be good if there is a specific thing you need - like a long dress, for example. Do you see anything that could look more like you wanted if you did some DIY?
  4. Put all of the things you've gathered together and see how it all looks.
  5. Do any of the DIY type things you may have thought of - and, if you doubt your skills, have a back-up plan.
  6. Bear in mind that it may not turn out exactly like you wanted it to, but you can make it work - I believe in you!
  7. Tah Dah!
Advice for the "I have no clue what to go as - why do I always leave it so late? (its October 31st and I need to leave my house in a couple of hours!)" people.
  1. I've been this person, I won't judge you. You won't always have a spectacular idea in your head. Remember that this will turn out fine in the end and you'll have loads of fun.
  2. If you have no form of costume and no time to go looking for one in the shops, my first piece of advice is look in your makeup bag (or if you don't have one, look in someone else's - having asked them first, of course) and start doing your face. Think spooky, mystical and/or out of the ordinary and use a whole host of colours - dark colours, colours that you'd never normally dream of putting together or colours that wouldn't normally go where you put them (like my fluorescent pink eyebrows from years back). Essentially, let your creative streak come to the foreground and have fun with it!
  3. If you do have some form of costume (like an old one) then pop that on and do some makeup that goes with it or, if you prefer, opt for Step 2 and shake it all up a bit - it's Halloween, it doesn't have to look perfect.
  4. Back to those of you who have not got any form of costume at all, look in your wardrobe for some dark clothes (or whatever colours would correspond with your makeup - creepy dolls may want lighter colours etc.). Pull out whatever you've got and try things on together in front of the mirror at home to see what looks best.
  5. If you want, accessorize with anything that goes with your look.
  6. See, you did it, you look fabulous - I knew that this would all work in then end!
  7. Tah Dah!
Advice for you all!
  1. It's all about having fun - bear that in mind - and I'm sure you'll all look great whatever you chose to do.
  2. Don't feel bad about not having been prepared and sorting things out before now - it happens to the best of us!
  3. Stay safe, have fun whatever you're getting up to and have a Happy Halloween!!!

I really hope that this has helped some of you guys out in some way, I know what it's like to have left it to the last minute, I know the panic, but hopefully some of that has been avoided with my advice.
What are you doing this Halloween? Have you found this advice useful or helpful? What are you going as for Halloween? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments!
Thank you for reading, Happy Halloween!

Have an spooktacular day!
GingerSnaps xxx

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