
Tuesday 5 January 2016

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! - Happy New Year 2016!


How are we all? I know we are a few days into the New Year now, and that I do normally put this kind of post up on New Years Eve, but hopefully you won't mind too much. Anyway, I'm going to stop dithering and get on with this post.

2015 was honestly one of the absolute best years ever. I've did so much and I enjoyed every second of it.
I went on holidays with people I love, I've gone to the theatre and to gigs, I've spent time with friends (once stuck in a boat on the River Avon, other times dancing, providing running living room commentary on TV shows and films, celebrating birthdays, playing old school video games, colouring in in Cardiff, dancing in pretty dresses), I've spent time with family (at outdoor Shakespeare festivals, enjoying the sun in Brighton, dancing at the Clean Bandit gig, exploring on the family holiday at Easter, going for meals out, going to see Star Wars, going to the Strictly live tour), I celebrated a 'milestone' birthday, I had one of the best Christmases ever, I've been to exhibitions.
I basically made some of the most amazing memories and I couldn't be more grateful to everyone I love for being part of that. Looking back on the last year, I feel very happy.
I hope 2015 was a good year for you and if not, I hope 2016 is better.

I truly hope that 2015 was a marvellous year for all of you. I hope that 2016 is a completely wonderful year filled with all of the best things. I hope you find all of the things you need and are searching for. I hope you have lots of fun and experience lots of wonderful things. I hope that you find true happiness this year.
As always, thank you ever such a lot for the support you have given my blog this past year. It means the absolute world to me to have such lovely readers, followers and commenters. Hopefully, you'll stay for all of the post 2016 will bring and that you enjoy all of the content that will be produced in the New Year.
Happy New Year to you and all of your friends and families.
Here's to 2015, for being a great year. Here's to 2016, I hope it's a brilliant one. And here's to you, Happy New Year! xxx

I'm going to try and get some interesting posts up for you this month to start the New Year off as I mean to go on.
What are your goals or resolutions for this year? What was your 2015 like? What are you up to this week? Any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for joining me today, I'll see you later.
Have the most amazing!

GingerSnaps xxx

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