
Thursday 14 January 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Oxfords Not Brogues.


Today, its quite a short and sweet post but I just wanted to write something and figured that this might be a nice little post for my fellow movie lovers. If you're looking for something to watch when you get home today then I have a suggestion.

Kingsman: The Secret Service.
Kingsman: The Secret Service is one of the best films I have seen in a really long time. It just has all of the best things wrapped up in one. It's hilarious, it's about spies, it features amazing actors, the plot is fantastic, it has a great soundtrack, the characters are literally amazing (Eggsy may be one of my favourite characters ever and all of the others are crazy awesome too), it's brilliantly filmed - I basically cannot say enough good things about this film. Like, seriously, just go and watch it. Promise? Good. Thank me later.

Watch the trailer (HERE).

(it is a spy movie, so there is some violence in the trailer, just to warn you if you feel sensitive to that...)

Thanks for reading - I know this was a short post but hopefully you enjoyed it and maybe discovered a new favourite film, like I have.
Have you seen Kingsman? What are your favourite films? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments section.
I'll see you soon.
Have an amazing day! (And remember, oxfords not brogues)
GingerSnaps xxx

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