
Saturday 30 January 2016

Let's Make a Change - Helping the Cause - Wear It. Beat It.


I wanted to talk to you today about the British Heart Foundation, a charity that is very close to my heart and that I support massively - they do amazing work. Every year, the run their Wear It. Beat It. campaign, which I think is a really fun way of showing support and helping the BHF continue doing what they do. Wear It. Beat It. takes place on Friday, and I thought I'd give you (just under) a weeks notice so you can get involved if you so wish.

Some Facts...
According to the British Heart Foundation website, one in four of our loved ones are lost to circulatory and heart disease.
Adults and children can sadly both suffer with heart and circulatory conditions.
The British Heart Foundation work to fight for every heartbeat and have pioneered life saving research for more than 50 years now and they have helped discover numerous life saving treatments.
Here's What You Need To Know About Wear It. Beat It.
The idea of Wear It. Beat It is that you wear red to show your support, whether this be in your daily life or at an 'organised-by-you' event - basically, whatever it is you're getting up to, you can wear red (and donate to the BHF) to show your support.
The British Heart Foundation's Wear It. Beat It. website is full of lots of super cool ideas as well as lots of resources to help you make sure that whatever you're doing is the best it can possibly be. 

 If you are in a position to and want to give money to the British Heart Foundation, then you can simply donate via their website or you might want to consider popping into one of their shops.
There are lots of ways to help out and participate if you can and you want to. And if you can't right now, then don't worry - I just wanted to let everyone know about this so that they could get involved if they were in a position to and felt so inclined.
All the Links...
British Heart Foundation Website - (HERE)
Wear It. Beat It Website - (THIS ONE)

Check out my Wear It. Beat It. Makeup Ideas post from last year (HERE) for some inspiration.
I hope you enjoyed this post and that if you can and would like you, you go and support the amazing work the BHF does everyday. You don't have to give the big bucks - every little bit helps.
Have you taken part in Wear It. Beat It before? Are you going to this year? What do you think of Wear It. Beat It? Have you been fundraising? Would you consider fundraising or donating now? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Tell me all about it in the comments.
See you later, you lovely people - I hope you're having a great weekend so far.
Have a completely beautiful day!
GingerSnaps xxx

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