
Friday 15 January 2016

I've Been Thinking... - Some Brilliant Adverts!


There is always a lot of hype over adverts in December, with high budget festive masterpieces everywhere. By the time we get to January there are just as many wonderful adverts that deserve some recognition. That's where this post comes in. So, sit back and take a minute to admire the finest the ad breaks have to offer with me.

Some Brilliant Adverts.

British Gas!
I completely love the recent British Gas advert. It features the sweetest little penguin who potters around a house to make sure that everything is in check, discovering all sorts of pretty things and hiding places along the way. I really like the animation and the mini storyline. It's just a little bit adorable.
Watch it (HERE).
Lloyds Bank!

First things first, I love horses. This advert travels through the ages of Lloyds bank with the horse from their logo as our guide. I think the concept is really good, I like the journey it takes us on and I really love the horses (did I mention I love horses???).

Watch it (HERE).
This advert is very sweet. This is another generation span and the mini story in it revolves around a scarf with lots of sentimental value for the fathers and sons in a family. I really like it and I think the song in it is lovely.
Watch it (HERE).


Aah, the payment ninjas... This one makes me laugh so much - its just so funny. I love the "coolness" they gave the geeky people - geeks are obviously far cooler than we get credit for. Did I mention how hilarious this is?

Watch it (HERE).
I think that that is everything for today then guys. I hope you enjoyed this post - I always like putting them together.
Do you like the adverts included in this post? Which is your favourite? What are you up to this week? Let me know in the comments.
Thank you for reading.
Have an awesome day!
GingerSnaps xxx


  1. i have finally found something we don't agree on besides civil war... horses
