
Thursday 2 November 2017

I've Been Thinking... - My New Favourite Magazine.


Hey gang! I wanted to have a chat with you about a new discovery and a new favourite of mine. I recently found myself on a long train journey and - silly me - I hadn't brought along a book. I decided that I should grab something to keep me occupied on the return journey, especially as getting home always seems to take approximately nine-hundred-billion years longer than the outbound journey. I had a flick through the magazine racks at WHSmith and here's some thoughts on magazines in general and on what I found.

On the whole, I don't like glossy magazines much. Those concoctions of 95% adverts mixed with unattainably expensive products that can be entertaining but never seem to have enough going on for what you've paid and don't ever seem to fill as much time as you hope they will.

I wanted a magazine though because I do inherently love them. I have a great fondness for magazines - as a child I collected Bratz magazines and Girl Talk magazines and GoGirl magazines and I still have a lot of them.
 I love the way magazines can contain so much - perhaps that's why I find it so frustrating when they are full of adverts. I love that they can include content on music and on fashion and some recipes and some lifestyle content and interviews, neatly packaged into one easy to digest bundle and with a fun to read format and style.

When I spotted Frankie magazine on the shelf and saw the beautiful cover, I thought it might be up my street. I saw some of the key featured topics written across the top - ranging from design, art and fashion to music, home and craft - and I knew I had to get it.

It's an Australian publication which is also sold in New Zeland and the UK.

I love the writing styles that feature in in - personable, warm and sometimes slightly cheeky prose written by a range of talented writers which gives the feeling of catching up with a group of friends.

The adverts featured in it are less frequent than in a glossy magazine and they actually advertise things that a typical person might be interested in which makes them far easier to get along with.

It's a beautiful publication with a minimalist layout, with pastel colours used to accent titles and gorgeous photography. A copy of Frankie is a really lovely thing to own.

At 128 pages, the majority of which are filled with words and photographs, I was able to continue reading it long after my hour and a half long journey home. I had plenty to keep me occupied on the train and I still had lots to read with a cup of tea in the mornings for a good while after.

It also came with a gorgeous photographic poster - which was 100% my aesthetic (colourful, a little bit kitsch, soft focus - 10 out of 10) - with a two month calendar on the back which made my day and looks delightful in my room.

Most importantly though, reading it really made me feel inspired. It made me feel inspired to produce content, the interviews inspired me and opened my eyes to the amount of opportunities there are and can be for creative people.
 I felt inspired to try new things, to be kinder and be more silly and more spontaneous and I felt inspired to seek new perspectives.
Reading Frankie has been a really positive and enjoyable part of October.

I'd urge you to go out and grab their November/December issue if you can - if September/October is anything to go by, it'll be great.

I hope you enjoyed this post and have found a new source of offline inspiration.
Do you have a favourite magazine? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading!
Have a spectacular day!
GingerSnaps xxx



  1. i wish i read more magazines honestly the only 3 i have ever had a interest in is the national geographic because i liked the pictures and the beno and the logo magazine when i was a kid. this one does look supper cool tho

    1. It is a super cool magazine and one that I'd recommend as a step back into the world of magazines. I also wish I read more magazines - I'm definitely working on it. GingerSnaps xxx
