
Saturday 19 December 2015

I've Been Thinking... - The Festive Countdown.


Christmas is edging ever closer (it'll be five days away tomorrow!!!) and so I thought I'd share some festive musings both in and outside the world of blogging. I really like sitting down to chat to you guys about things and so I hope that you enjoy reading this. Anyway, enough of my rambling, let's get on into the post.

I want to do something a little special in terms of how I'll be posting up until Christmas so you can expect a post everyday from tomorrow (December 20th) right up to Christmas Day itself. That means I'll be posting everyday for the next five days which will be a really new experience for me. I'm looking forward to writing my "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five" series (do you guys like the title?) and I hope that you'll enjoy them. There are quite a few different kinds of posts going on so hopefully there will be something for everyone.
Aside from coming up with some posting ideas for the next few days, I've been wrapping Christmas presents (celebratory dance for the fact that I've finished wrapping, ribbons and all - I'm feeling pretty smug), I've written all my cards, we bought a real Christmas tree for our hallway and decorated while listening to Christmas carols and I've been watching loads of Christmas films (Arthur Christmas, Home Alone etc.). I've also been singing Christmas songs very loudly (and dancing down the supermarket aisles...) and we've even got an open fire in the living room. My plans for this Christmas week include finishing up Christmas food shopping, going to see a Pantomime, seeing my friends on Christmas Eve and celebrating and relaxing with my family. I'm really excited for Christmas and feel all full of festive cheer.
I hope that this has been a nice read for you and that you'll be checking back to see the "A Dash of Ginger Festive Five" that I have got going on over the next few days.
Do you like the idea of the "A Dash of Ginger Festive Five"? What festive things have you been doing recently? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments section.
I'll see you all tomorrow for the first day of the "A Dash of Ginger Festive Five" series. Thanks for dropping in.
Have an brilliantly wonderful day!

GingerSnaps xxx

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