
Wednesday 23 December 2015

Style It Out - Fashion, Style and Get Ready With Me's- A Festive Get Ready With Me.


Welcome to the fourth instalment of "A Dash Of Ginger Festive Five". Today I wanted to post something a little bit different. I've had the idea for a little while - I wasn't sure I could make it work but I think that I've got this sussed now. So, welcome to my Festive Get Ready With Me. I know, right? I've never done a Get Ready With Me before so I hope that you guys like this.

A Festive Get Ready With Me.
Once I'd dragged myself out of bed in the morning and I'd had some breakfast, I grabbed a cup of tea and headed up the stairs. I got some Christmas tunes going at an obnoxious volume on the TV in my bedroom and went off to do all the basics (brushing my teeth, washing etc.). At this point, I'd talk you through a super detailed skincare routine if I had one - basically I wash my face with my cleanser from the Aloe range at The Body Shop and bam that's it. I headed back into my bedroom and chose my outfit while drinking the cup of tea which was at the perfect temperature by this point. During the festive season, my outfit could range from a Christmas jumper to a dress and so on but on this particular day it was a red pinafore with a white polar neck jumper underneath and some mustard coloured cable knit tights.

I went on to do my makeup (I don't wear makeup on a daily basis but I fancied wearing it that day). On this particular day, I opted for a red lip (hello MAC Ladybug) and really toned down makeup everywhere else so it really stood out. I wanted to do something with my hair so I whacked half of it up into a bun with the rest down using a red velvet scrunchie. I put on my watch and then sorted the room out a little bit (opened the curtains, made the bed and so on). Then I danced around the room to all of the Christmas songs and sang all the words very loudly because its Christmas. Finally, I padded back down the stairs, pulled on some boots and left the house for my latest adventure which was a trip to one of my favourite places, Charlecote Park which was decorated for a Victorian Christmas.

You can find some links here...

To find some of the Christmas songs I was listening to, you might like to check out (THIS) post.
To find The Body Shop, click (ME)
To find MAC Ladybug Lipstick (CLICK ME)
To find everything you could want to know about the lovely Charlecote Park, (USE THIS).

Tah Dah! I'm really rather pleased with this post, I hope it was a nice read. I'm off to a pantomime this evening which I've been looking forward to for ages - it's Peter Pan which is one of the only pantomimes I haven't seen.
What did you think of my first Get Ready With Me? What are you getting up to today? Do you have any suggestions for future posts or any comments? Do let me know in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you.
I'll see you all tomorrow, which is Christmas Eve - I can't believe it.
I hope you have an exceptionally great day!
GingerSnaps xxx