
Friday 1 July 2016

I've Been Thinking - Why We Should All Be Kinder To Each Other


Today's post is a serious one but one I make no apologies for because I believe its essential. I've been hearing so many things recently that make me worried for others and I want to do what I can to fix it. Let's talk about Brexit, hate crimes, the international community and everything else in between.

"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other" - Audrey Hepburn.

 In the aftermath of Brexit, there has been a fair amount of animosity to immigrant communities - I've read articles about Polish families and Asian families, amongst others, who have experienced this. Families in this country right now who are establishing themselves, living with a unique identity, a mix of where they come from and where they live. I can't imagine that it is easy for anyone to make such a big decision and leave the country they know to start a new life in another. Surely we cannot treat people so terribly, just because they are from somewhere different than us.

It's not just Brexit, either. We live in a world where people have been shot because of their sexuality, where people aren't treated with the respect they deserve because of their gender, where they experience police brutality or hate crimes because of the colour of their skin, where people attack each other just because they don't share the same religious beliefs.

I want to put my arms around the world and fix it all but I can't reach everyone. What I can do, and what you can do, too, is be kind. Smile at people, hold the door for them, say thank you to the bus driver. Text friends to see how their week has been, let that pedestrian cross the road, say bless you when people sneeze. Call family in spare moments. Let people in the community know that it is OK for them to be themselves, no matter what that means. Speak kindly to people from all around the world - let neighbours know they have your support. Little things really do go such a long way. And, of course, if you are witness to hateful situations, then report it (some helpful tips on that here).
We may not all agree on everything, be it Brexit or religion or other people's life choices, but that shouldn't mean the doors are open for hate. It doesn't matter to me how you voted (I am more than aware that the large majority of Leave voters are kind, good people), or how you choose to live your life so long as you try your best to be kind and accepting to others. We can and we should all try and live together as a tolerant global society. You are not defined by your gender, your race, your age, your immigrant status, your religion or your sexuality or a disability or anything else like that. You are more than that. Everyone is worth something and everyone has the potential to give something really great back to the world. We all want to be able to be our true selves, and we'd all be worried about people trying to threaten our right to do that. If we strive to let everyone live a life that is true to them, we'll be one step closer to living the dream. The actual dream that people have had for generations. We've come a long way but that doesn't mean the journey is over.

Thanks you for reading. I hope that you've all had a great week so far.
What are your thoughts on today's post? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Be sure to let me know in the comments.
I'll speak to you all soon.

I hope your day is full of love!

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. love the little Audrey quote and i total agree with the message

  2. This is so well written that it should be available to a wider audience.
    Well done for putting what we should all be doing so eloquently Ginger Snap!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm so glad that you feel that way. GingerSnaps xxx

    2. Thank you so much. GingerSnaps xxx
