
Saturday 15 November 2014

Holidays Are Comin', Holidays Are Comin'... - The Excitment for Christmas!!!


Hello everybody! How are we all doing? Now, hopefully, you're in a festive mood today because I want to talk about *Noddy Holder voice* CHRISTMAAS!!!!

You might, if you've been here for a long time, remember (THIS) post from last year which showed my excitement for Christmas for the first time that year. If you want double festivity head on over and read that (or many of my archived posts from last December).

Anyone who knows me well will know how much I love Christmas (I'll give you a hint - I love it more than Buddy from Elf loves sugary foods and Santa...). The dawn of Christmas adverts on the old tellybox and the Sky Movies Christmas Channel (other Christmas movie channels are available) have sparked this within me, and my festive feelings are increasing by the second as more and more festive things happen/start.

And, to really kick my Christmas off, I am heading to London to see White Christmas with my wonderful Mom today and hopefully there will be red lippy, festive Costas and shopping involved... the excitement is real.

I am looking forward to gift giving, decorating the whole house (we'll have a new house to dress up this year), going to Panto, being Nigella and cooking my first full blown Christmas dinner, Christmas films and music and lots more!

The excitement, for me, has well and truly arrived and I couldn't be more happy! I am so excited!

I hope that you are looking forward to lots of festive posts over the next few weeks and that you are as excited as me.
Are you feeling the excitement yet? What are you most looking forward to? What's put you in a Christmassy mood? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments.
I will see you all soon for some (hopefully) exciting and fun posts.

I hope you have a fabulously fun day.

GingerSnaps xxx


  1. No christmas excitement yet, even though I'm teaching Dickens's Christmas Carol.

    Christmas isn't allowed to begin until after Thanksgiving, thank you; no matter what John Lewis and Sainsbo's might think.

    Glad you're in the festive spirit already, though.

    1. Hehe, Thanksgiving's pretty exciting, too I guess, but I'm sure you'll feel a bit more Christmas-sy soon - especially if you're teaching A Christmas Carol (one of my favourites) and you keep reading my blog!
      Have you seen the adverts?!?! If not, watch them... you'll change your mind...
      Thanks for the comment!
      GingerSnaps xxx

  2. Thanksgiving today, so I can watch the adverts tomorrow. And put up the tree with the kids!

    1. Thanksgiving = done! Christmas = HERE!!! I recommend the Sainsbury's Advert as a starting point - its the best one! I hope you have a lovely time putting up the tree with the children! GingerSnaps xxx
