
Friday 14 November 2014

Let's Make a Change - Charity Telethons - Children in Need 2014


Welcome back, you beautiful people!!! Can you believe that it is Children in Need night already? Whether you can or not, here it is. Are you ready?

Children in Need is a massive charity telethon that the BBC put on every November. I did a detailed post last year which gave more information about CiN which you can read over (HERE). Some things you may recognise CiN by are Pudsey Bear, the adorable mascot, as well as the amazing work they do. 
So far, I've gotten through some pizza, Vanilla Coke and quite a bit of the show. I have seen a general VT including a very cute little boy demonstrating "little" and "big" donations with his hands and one about a little boy called Joe (so adorable) who has had heart problems. If you get the chance to see either of those, watch them.

I'm also very excited for Doctor Who, Strictly and the S Club Reunion!

There is always someone who needs help. There is always someone who needs support. There is always somebody out there who deserves lots better. Have fun tonight but be sure to give what you can.

So enjoy the night but don't forget to help those who need it. You'd want the same for yourself, your family and friends.
Have you donate yet? Are you planning on it? Have you done any super cool fundraising activities? What are you most looking forward to the most about tonight? Do you have any comments or suggestions for future posts? Let me know in the comments below.
See you guys soon!!!

Have a really great night!

GingerSnaps xxx

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